Josh Rosenfield

Does that 300-year stint make Handles the longest-serving companion in the show's history?

I loooooooooooved Llewyn Davis. I liked that it was really rich and layered without collapsing under its own weight, as well as remaining consistently entertaining. It's a fascinating character study with great music and some very interesting metaphors at play.

Not too odd that Frances Ha isn't on the overrated list, considering that it's great and perfectly rated.

Oh and Night Vale fans totally get into that stuff. The main character, Cecil, is openly gay. It's never dwelled upon, or made a big deal of. It's simply part of who he is. I think that's part of the reason why the tumblr crowd latched on to the show. It's rare these days to find a gay character in fiction whose

See if anyone marries you with THAT attitude.

Welcome to Night Vale has the biggest quality-of-product/quality-of-fandom disparity of any piece of entertainment in the last decade. It's such clever, hilarious show, but look it up on tumblr and it's all, "ZOMG CECIL IS TOTES ADORBZ COSPLAY!!"

That line caught me totally off-guard. I love it.

I found the ending of The Hunt to be a little too easy, but man oh man is that a great final scene. Maybe the best all year.


Christoph Waltz last year was fantastic.

I'll be really sad if it's just a half-hour of B99 sucking Sandler's dick for ratings. I hope it's a This Is The End version of him.

There have been good-quality bootleg versions floating around for a while now. Great to hear that it'll be getting an official release.

Someone needs to cut together the "Berandal" trailer with this one and make it look like he's punching that wall to gear up for intense hand-to-claw combat.

The powerful inner struggle of Mecha-Godzilla will have you weeping.

Wait, is it really? That's all the convincing I need.

The quote is even better than it seems. The post it comes from starts out by saying that the author isn't a "professional quote-maker," but that he wanted to write something similar to the great Carl Sagan/Neil Degrasse Tyson quotes that he saw on /r/atheism all the time.

The best thing by far about is that his name, when typed correctly, will automatically become a link to his website.

To be fair, after all those episodes of Hostages, literally any other piece of media must look brilliant to her.

The auto-tune job he did on that Imagine Dragons song is laughably bad.

Wow! The series finale of Breaking Bad really took a-