Josh Rosenfield

Daly recently said that the format for S2 of ADPPP would have old characters return with the explanation that they'd been given notes on their first pilot and have revised accordingly. Along with some new characters, of course.

That Hollywood Handbook quote is great but honestly text does not do it justice. Hayes' delivery of "Even the DICK" is truly magical. HH is such an underrated podcast.

"all are equal in God's eyes except the gays" has been a deep south Christian talking point for a dog's age.

He even put his cell phone in the mailbox, though I think even that was partially intended as a middle-finger to Chuck. Even after all Chuck's done to him, Jimmy still gives the tiniest of shits about Chuck's well-being. Because unlike Chuck, he's a good person.

The two already appeared an episode or two ago. They live in the basement of City Hall now.

Maybe a certain legend of waterskiing?

The contemporary reference is the bitching and moaning over Heath Ledger being cast as the Joker.

It was a grepisode.

"Why am I sweating?"

He looks like Daniel Radcliffe in the article header.

And someone on the set says "This film WILL be a TRIUMPH!" and Leni Riefenstahl goes "Hmmmmmmmm…"

I don't think so. I think it's about the fears and frustrations that come with being a first-time parent. His daughter's since said that she was probably the inspiration for the film.

I always laugh when Henry goes to Mary's house and Mary's having some kind of seizure and Henry just tries to power through with the awkward conversation. "I'm a printer!"

…weed came in?

"He's a zombie. They don't do much."

"I didn't stop the terrorists."

There's no way she won't be back if the show does another season. She and Jack are too good together.

My favorite thing about this comic is how he walks off singing "I Wanna Hold Your Hand," the poppiest bullshit that the Beatles ever produced.

"I WAS BORN IN THE WRONG GENERATION like if u were 2 :)"

How can a person be so wrong, and then so right?