Josh Rosenfield

Can we trade in True Detective season 2 for Fargo season 2?

Yeah, this isn't Law and Order. The eyes of millions of people aren't on Bemidji. And everyone involved knows that Gus did the right thing. So why wouldn't they protect him?

"A thousand summers" is even longer in Westeros.

It's actually the opposite. The showrunners fucking HATE Stannis, and it shows.

The first 5 episodes of True Detective are fresh, bold, and exciting. The last 3 are rote, boring nonsense.

God sent the plagues, though. Satan isn't even a thing in the Old Testament (unless you count the serpent and that's not technically canon.) (I can't believe I just described the bible using the word "canon")


Don't forget the Paul Bunyon statue outside Lester's office in this episode.

Can we talk about this line?

Was it thin? Kinda. But at that point Bill was totally willing to accept the story because (a) he wants the case closed and Molly off his back and (b) he never wanted Lester to be implicated in the first place.

Yup. My prediction is that Lester will get the upper hand over Malvo, and murder him. This completes his transformation INTO Malvo. Of course, Malvo doesn't care about himself as much as he cares about chaos and trickery, so he dies happy knowing that Lester is too incompetent to cover up the crime on his own and

Like half a second before it happened, I realized what was about to happen. I totally thought, like Todd and Zack, that someone was right outside the car waiting to kill Gus, but I guess that's the show's way of telling us that no, not everything is going to go wrong for these people.


Police always arrive almost instantaneously in movies and tv shows. I actually thought it was realistic that they didn't get there in time.

If Will can survive being gutted with a linoleum knife, Alana can survive a two-story fall from a window.

It's actually a fun show. Basically just an insanely difficult obstacle course for comically muscular people to navigate for our amusement.

It's a subversion of the over-the-shoulder shot/reverse shot editing technique that's a staple of basically every movie and tv show ever. Rather than cutting to the other person in the conversation, they cut to themselves, listening silently. It drives home the notion that Hannibal and Will are merging (much like that

"I was going to keep this a secret from you, the killer's girlfriend, but you were mildly irritating me and I've got a migraine."

Not just justice for Bev, but as an apology to Will.

Fun Fact: Most of Canada's yearly budget is comprised of Dead Ringers DVD sales.