
Armed religious institutions... yeah, that has always worked out well.

But it’s sharia law we’re told to worry about...

For some reason Carter Page strikes me as a guy who would’ve been in the Hale Bopp cult.

My honest best guess: “Donald J. Trump is not making America Great Again.”

It’s where you get Holocaust cloaks. Which are very important, btw. We would have been able to storm Syria’s castle if we had one of those.

In Chicago, the Bulls play at the United CENTER. Coincidence??

If you just want to see unionized workers make excuses for why black people deserve to be killed, we already have police unions.

You mean deregulation and letting an an entire industry police itself without any governmental regulation or interference ended in consumers getting screwed? SHOCKED, I say.

This whole “OBEY ANY AND EVERY ORDER YOU ARE GIVEN OR YOUR HUMAN RIGHTS ARE FORFEIT” deal aboard airliners is getting really old.

It’s been posted a thousand times this week, but it needs to be posted a thousand more:

If only this awful family had forced those children to perform like this on the campaign trail. Trump’s bigoted supporters might actually have turned against him if they’d witnessed Jewish kids singing in Mandarin.

Later, Trumped shamed Xi into buying boxes of his granddaughter’s Girl Scout cookies.

I agree that he’s completely unqualified for the job, but we can’t not elevate Jews to positions of power to deal with middle east just because arabs won’t like it. Some qualified Jewish guy or gal would be fine.

She won’t. But I think what’s good for places like PP and others is to meet with her so they can record what she says, point by point. That way they can publish what Ivanka Trump says she wants to accomplish and hold it against Donald that he does nothing to make it happen. Put the schism between the two and watch him

Pence is busy looking in his bible to make sure he has the right-sized stones handy to throw at her.

Good. This is yet another “issue” we should all already be past as a society, just like abortion and legalizing weed. Drool-Cup Nation and their incessant obsessing about what everyone else is doing is holding the rest of us back.

Personally, I think it takes a lot of guts to go on record and think that Kansas, Duke, Kentucky, Louisville and Arizona are going to be good next year. What this take lacks in timeliness it makes up for in bold predictions.

The last effective wall was Pink Floyd’s.

No he didn’t. He never supported the establishment of a homeland for the Jews.