
He was hired for the sole reason that he has personal and business relationships with Putin. That’s it. The Bannon Administration has made it abundantly clear Russia is the only country that matters. The State Department is a ghost town. Tillerson will comment when Bannon tells him what to say. I have no doubt Ol Rex

“I don’t know what it means to be complicit”

This is also why the majority of people will never be qualified for such a high paying role. The more volatile you are (tell all book) the less likely it is that anyone would consider you for any real upper management role

Goodell must be a master negotiator to get $40M for persuading TV networks to air professional football games.

FUN FACT: Allow insurance companies to jack-up rates based on health and suddenly, get as much as a hang nail and watch your premiums soar.

*eyeroll* This tired schtick?

Non-comprehensive list of Trump talking physical violence at his rallies:

I find it astonishing that the people who voted for this con man, the “rich” guy that laughably ran on a “populist” platform, have no issue with him stacking the government with family and other cronies who directly profit from obvious conflicts of interest. Paying millions to rent space in Trump Tower? No problem!

Whether or not the sole beneficiaries of your redistribution are white people

The is a lot of legal real estate between offering him nothing and offering him immunity. They don’t need his testimony to convict him.

These craven incompetent idiots. How fucking stupid do you have to be to shriek about immunity = guilt and then immediately jump for immunity when you’re under threat?

I’m also pretty sure Mike Shashefski also bitched out the state legislature because the stress and fatigue of Duke having to go outside of NC for the first weekend of the NCAA’s contributed heavily to their round two flameout.

As another libertarian, Conservatives don’t want small government. They just want to change which way it’s lop-sided. Conservatives want almost zero bank and business regulation, but want to be able to send the sex police to your house if your bed squeaks too loud. Liberals on the other hand could care less when,

“rights come from God, not government,”

Don’t ever try to apply logic to any of this sort of bullshit.

their logic always confused the hell out of me. a 5 year old girl is probably going to be a lot more startled by a person who acts and dresses as a man who is in the stall next to them crying because society hates them than they would a person who acts and dresses a woman quietly using the restroom quietly.

I’m just thankful we have men like Mike Pence to stop us from Sharia Law taking over.

The really great thing is, you don’t have to be alone with a woman to take away her access to health care.