
You remember in college, HS, whatever when you had projects and you’d be assigned to a group of about 5, and 2 of the members actually did all the work and the others just stood by awkwardly during group meetings nodding their heads as the 2 just talk to each other.... It’s the same thing, but with assholes.

Maybe they’re writing it in Tom Riddle’s diary?

Behold this sack of shit shouting at a teacher. 15% is more than this bozo deserves.

Trying to fire the special counsel is one of the classic blunders. Just under the top 2. The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well known is never get involved with a Sicilian when death is on the line.

Die hard Trump supporters are really the worst of humanity.

Sadly, this never gets old.

“It’s because people are stupid. That’s why anybody does anything.”

Word. I fucking hate Trump and I still think Griffin deserves to have her career ended by this shit.

I’m sure Donald was really concerned about Sasha and Malia’s emotional well being when he was peddling his birther bullshit for eight years.

Trump: “Hey! This is great! I just misspell some crap and they ignore whatever else I’m doing! Watch this: covfefe time!

I need to put this somewhere; I’ll just leave it here:

Sweet weeping Jesus, that is the worst fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I swear if Montenegro guy had taken a swing at Trump I’m pretty sure every world leader present would have stood aside and let it happen.

Now playing

The looks the two men on each side of Trump (Pink tie and light blue tie) give each other behind his back are priceless. One of them is the guy who is shoved.

The whole 45-administration schtick has been a thinly veiled eugenics plan that they managed to get a bunch of first-time, middle-aged, flyover country voters to sign up for, even though these policies stand to ruin their lives. It’s like the ultimate Darwin award.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: be careful what you wish for when it comes to Trump’s untimely removal as President. Is he an egomaniacal psychopath who has absolutely no idea what the hell he’s doing? Absolutely. If he were no longer president, would Mike Pence be able to really ram through a shitload of

These are the same type of idiots who think Syrian refugees can easily come in to the US and claim refugee status.

Breaking News: Rudy Giuliani now calling for the abolishment of the TSA, citing executive overreach.

The only semi-effective way to handle LeBron is to hit him in the nuts repeatedly and all that does is piss him off so severely that he will mount the greatest series comeback in NBA Finals history and time travel to retroactively father your best player.