
Because their entire strategy for re-election consists of throwing out buzzwords to the base whenever they start to think they are getting screwed.

Wanna get wasted? Have a drink everytime you hear Hitler, freedom, Obamacare, Hillary, tax cuts, deregulation, Jesus, G-d......

Pretty sure Holocaust Center is where Stu’s grandmother got her ring in The Hangover.

This is what you get when you make a restaurant critic one of your op-ed writers.

So her solution is to punish the same people that are on her side?

Tomorrow, I’m going to fight for pay equality by robbing my wife’s purse.

Nah in the summer he’ll be at his club in New Jersey

So she’s the biggest liar.

This is why I have been saying maybe we shouldn’t impeach Trump so quickly. As bad as he is (godawful), I would still rather Trump be President than Pence, Ryan or McConnell.

This is why I have been saying maybe we shouldn’t impeach Trump so quickly. As bad as he is (godawful), I would still rather Trump be President than Pence, Ryan or McConnell.

Well, he can’t just come out and say “white QB = good, black QB = bad”, can he? Oh right, that Tannehill nugget mitigates the entire racist overtone of the article.

it’s infuriating that people take ONE person’s opinion about things as fact.

“...there’s no coherent path toward anything that looks like victory.”

All I got is rfk

Couldn’t agree more. While the country is obsessing over the Russian sideshow (totally legitimate), you have Tillerson and Kushner, with no media around to speak of, cutting deals around the world to fatten their wallets.

Reminds me of the stat that I read once: before Social Security, like 95% of seniors died in poverty.

Think about how mental you have to be to consider that “the good old days”

Can the 20 morons that voted against this eat a bag of dicks?

Small government= small taxes

stay at home moms making working moms feel guilty is some reverse sexist bullshit.

No because if they hear your wife’s first name, they start calling their mother her first name (which we both hate).

not only that, it’s almost like they think one gender is better than the other! I know, hard to believe.

You know this is a religious institution in Texas right? These people will BELIEVE ANYTHING, even when presented with evidence to the contrary (see election 2016). Never underestimate the power of faith.