
Are you getting a medical procedure or applying for a job?

For all the talk of “economic anxiety” that is being experienced by working class white voters in the South and Midwest, all I see from those states are more anti-LGBTQ and anti-abortion bills and absolutely nothing to address economic opportunities (sounds

Right. Just like strongly held “religious beliefs” aren’t about the money until the money disappears.

.....which is basically the best case scenario for a Republican president.

I know this is going to sound crazy, but at my last job, I had to TRAVEL TOGETHER with someone else who was married because that’s what we were SUPPOSED TO. They wanted us to visit our clients in upstate NY!!! OMG, so romantic, the temptations...we had to force ourselves not to...

Just kidding...WTF is this? Sexism.

Because when you need to sell a bad bill of goods, the worst thing is for facts or the truth to tell the future customers what a bad bill of good this is. So they run straight to the Hitler playbook: demonizing media, scientists, academics, anything that can provide counters to the BS.

How about no more diamond engagement rings? Women have great jobs now and don’t need their fiance to plunk down his entire life savings just so she can make her friends jealous for 5 minutes.

Unfortunately, almost all LGBTQ (remember that embarassment when he said it at his convention speech) live in places that don’t vote for Trump.

You handled that completeley appropriately and any “feminist” that disagrees can enjoy their newfound bankruptcy, I mean “riches”

This is her lawyer. Good luck White House

No, her lawyer is excellent, that firm has both US and UK former attorney generals working there, and Trump is scared shitless.

What revenue? They just gave Mark Davis $750,000,000 and have already expanded class sizes to pay for this stupidity. I, for one, am looking forward to the NFL telling why gambling is bad next year.

Also the next 3 years in Oakland will be amazing.

I used to work at an affiliate of The Related Companies and saw Ross all the time. Imagine if Trump was actually smart, hard working and successful? That’s Ross. Plus he also donated tons of money to his alma mater and has more business sense that almost every NFL owner. I am glad he opposed it and the Raiders can

As insane as Trump is, he’s actually better than pence or Ryan. Everyone​might want to take a step back with the impeachment talk.

From the same state that wants concealed weapons in bars

This is how:

When the 2nd Amendment was passed, you had muskets that could shoot one bullet every 20 seconds. Now, with automatic weapons that the Founding Fathers never could have conceived of, you can shoot 20 rounds a second.

See the difference between 1791 and 2017?

I’m shocked that the former CEO of Exxon approved this.

It’s religion, faith, belief, etc. You can not have a rational logical argument with people that believe an invisible man in the sky created the entire universe less than 6000 years ago. This is also why they believe every lie Trump tells. Facts don’t matter, it’s feelings and beliefs.

A lot of his supporters are very religious = faith. They believe what he wants them to. Also, he is eliminating many federal regulations which people seem to like. But, besides that, is it really worth it for the US to look this bad for a revision of the CFR? WTF

Why don’t they just add some more play-in games and make Wednesday a full day of games like the rest of the weekend? I don’t understand why this obvious solution is overlooked. To appease the NIT?

Remember this health care disaster the next time anyone calls Ivanka an advocate for working women