
Money, time and energy.

Being the only hockey and basketball teams in Manhattan, corporations will never lose interest. NY blessing = NY curse

Making money where I work? What kind of commie liberal BS is that?

........says the guy who lives off of McDonald’s and KFC.

I feel bad for all you overworked, under appreciated wives out there, but all these horrible husbands are making the good ones (like me) look amazing!

After the Inaugural Balls, my in-laws told me how nice it was to have a First Lady that “doesn’t look like Aunt Jemimah”

I think Ivanka and Jared lived at 500 Park (another Trump building a few blocks from Trump Tower).

My favorite part of 2016 continues to be well-off, spoiled white women, literally handed everything to them their entire lives (probably like these women also my mother-in-law and sister-in-law), voting for Trump because they wanted “change”

If your brain can’t get “Fuck everyone else as long as I get mine” across, you aren’t a very good Republican in 2017.

You’ll also be shocked to learn that the United Arab Emirates is not on the list (new Trump property just opened in Dubai).

It’s almost like they don’t care about safety or security at all and are just racists assholes!

From the same guy that wants into an investigation into voting fraud for an election he won?

Gays can see a shrink and become straight.

Smoking weed.

wait the same kevin mccarthy that admitted benghazi hearings were only held to hurt Hillary Clinton?

Wow, shit just got real for Congressional Republicans.

I’m white and I hate Donald Trump (as does my wife).

the rally is just a way to solicit campaign contributions AKA legalized bribery. Who holds a re-election rally without an opponent? grifters gonna grift though

That’s what your phone is for

You forgot the part where he said questions about anti-semitism from a Jewish paper are unfair.

oh yeah, well black folks can’t come to the Seder just because they “love matzoh”

I keep waiting for any type of legislation to address the “economic anxiety” we keep hearing about from people in the South and in the Midwest which is “why Hillary lost the election”

But, so far from those states, it’s all torturing gay people, trans, and ending abortions.