
Look how excited he in that picture. OMG, all these people are here for me! You really like me!!

That’s all this is. One giant vanity project for an Apprentice host and producer.

This is why they need to bring back segregated schools. Not by skin color, but by who is vaccinated. Your kids can get all the measles you want, enjoy!

I’m starting to think Trump cares more about soliciting campaign contributions than governing.

Also, this is essentially legal bribery.

Brady has to be Scientology’s wet dream. You know they are dying to replace Tom Cruise with someone even more relevant famous.

It’s legal bribery.

A fucking men on this. Hate all those fugazis. We don’t eat pork but we hate foreigners. WTF

For all the talk about how “coastal elites” need to reach out to middle America, it has to work both ways.

I’m sure she’ll get a very strict talking to and wrist slap from the next Solicitor General of the United States.

Her husband.

We are all fucked.

Am I the only adult in America that exclusively uses soft, sweet baby wipes to cleanse my asshole?

also you literally believe an invisible man in the sky created the entire universe in 6 days 6000 years ago....

also you literally believe an invisible man in the sky created the entire universe in 6 days 6000 years ago....

Everytime someone says we “need to run the government like a business,” I tell them to see New Jersey - the Jon Corzine years.

After all this “economic anxiety” I keep hearing about in the South and Rust Belt being the reason Trump won, I still don’t see any piece of legislation from these states (or the federal government for that matter) addressing the economy. It’s all bathrooms and immigrants and gays and abortions and bigotry.

the entire House is!

he literally said “the judiciary isn’t supreme”

And what do these liars gain by not knowing him? How is that relevant to anything?

Needs more Rockettes and lavo waitresses

except it won’t go down that way. They will just blame the minorities like always (obama, schumer, pelosi).

Well, according to my racist relatives, it doesn’t matter if Melania is an evil bitch or not, because after watching the Inaugural balls, at least Melania “doesn’t look like Aunt Jemimah”

My jaw hit the ground before I could get the words Princeton or Harvard Law out.

We are falling right into another one of his stupid traps. After footage of these attacks play on TV all day today, he will come out later and say “See folks, this is why we have the non-ban ban. To stop more of these from happening.”

Like a song. Again. FML