Yep. Yep. Yep. And Yep. That’s all I got to say to this. Really enjoying “Mr. Mercedes” while currently reading Book 3 “End of Watch”.
Yep. Yep. Yep. And Yep. That’s all I got to say to this. Really enjoying “Mr. Mercedes” while currently reading Book 3 “End of Watch”.
. . . a fact that presumably won’t do much to tamp down the ire of the kind of guy pissed off that another “classic” franchise is being “ruined” by putting a woman in the lead.
I’ve found that I come here less often because the new format works oddly on mobile.
Plumberduck, legit question here. Has the AV Club readership dropped along with the commenting, or is there no correlation?
Well It is based off a hugely popular source material, so it makes sense why it would be way more popular.
I’ve heard that they also don’t focus too much on the specific clown features as much, and he looks more gruesome as a result. A wise decision.
Yes yes Mr. Pennywise, we know you need to get new contacts. Please step in the waiting room while we fill the prescription.
I think merging the lips with the vertical markings on the eyes were a great choice. I especially love how understated it is. I thought they went overboard with Twisty in AHS (like... no way a circus would employ that monster), but Pennywise tows the line between scary and sublimely artistic.
I wonder if Warner Bros. will push for an Oscar nomination for make up? I don’t find clowns scary except for Trump and most especially Stephen Miller, but Pennywise is a fantastic creepy look.
Very well said. Snyder’s version of Wartchmen is this hero worship of the strength and brutality of these heroes, which is probably why DC saw him as a good choice for Superman. But that worship fits a god like Supes, not semi-retired crime fighters that are getting down and dirty in brawls and whose book is all about…
The thing about the action scenes in Watchmen is that Snyder’s glam/slow-motion style is that it’s diametrically opposite to the intent of the book for most of those fights. So if you’re watching without context they’re great fight scenes, but in context they’re all wrong.
What do you mean dancing around a PG-13? The film is R-rated, and a lot of the T-1000 kills show why.
That teaser was attached to The Dark Knight! Probably where you saw it, considering the crowd.
I find few people have respect for art that uses its medium and works within those bounds. I once tried to explain to my nephew that I found comments like “This TV show is cinematic” or the blurbs on the first Sandman graphic novel that said “Gaiman should be writing novels” as actual insults. I didn’t convince him…
Ooh, I forgot about that teaser. That was a good job of getting people excited without giving away large parts of the plot. Something Genisys clearly failed at.
Those old Hollywood action movies, they can definitely be barely edited down for tv for subsequent generation of brats to enjoy over and over. We have damn good action movies today, but wow, I can’t imagine kids actively seeking those things out, until they’re teenagers.
I only saw the first GI Joe and it was pretty dumb despite having a good cast, but the mech suit rampage through Paris? That seems what you should aim for when making a GI Joe movie.
These studios don’t care, as long as the franchise will still be making big bucks for them.
Why? They’re going to make billions no matter who directs. What does it gain them to give their glorified hired hands any additional power?
Yeah—Kingsman was over-the-top ridiculous fun. Anyone attempting to find an ideology to cling to in that movie is going to be sorely disappointed.