
I'm surprised you didn't go with "Electric Jesteroo."

Actually a cry for help, Internet!

"Critics had been bashed over the head with Schwarzenegger, automatic weapon-toting lunkheads, exotic jungle locales, and extra-terrestrials so often in this decade that by the time ‘87 rolled around, not even the most expertly-crafted combination of those elements could counteract the macho action/sci-fi genre’s

Ya know what I blame this on the breakdown of? Society.

Strong list, for sure.

What were the female-led superhero movies of 10-15 years ago that caused that reputation? I remember there was a Catwoman movie, and that's about it.

The AV Club has space for this but not for the work of Nathan Rabin.

"Notably, she starred as the body and face of “The Great Tyrant,” the villain in Roger Vadim’s cult classic sci-fi sex comedy Barbarella,"

My crush on Casey Wilson remains strong.

Man, this has been a long wait.

The other contestants are upset they missed their chance at romance with an alleged rapist.

Fucking kids today …

As a steadfast men's rights activist, I would like to take this opportunity to express my outrage that only women get bonuses for not taking off days for menstruation. It's menstruation, not womenstruation!

There are so many good things out there that I can't find time to watch that I really can't find time to watch something that I know is terrible.

I tried to like ESO. I mean, I really, really tried.

It's been at least 72 hours since I've heard anything about Morrissey.

"Face down! Ass up! That's the way we like to fuck!" x4

I swear to Buddha They will release an updated version of Skyrim for the See & Spell before I get a new Elder Scrolls game.

Vinnie Jones and Lou Ferrigno on the same team just doesn't seem fair.

Meanwhile, at this very moment, a Hawaiian is perfecting his take on Canadian pizza.