
I'll allow it, but tread lightly, counselor.

"… in which Cosby described giving Constand pills that he called “friends,” touching her breasts and genitals, and only getting an erection when she told him “no.” "

In the 69 my Humpty nose will tickle your rear.

When you sign on as a producer of a reality television show, you waive your right to be offended by anything you witness.

Her performance of "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover" on the SNL 40th anniversary special was impressive.

Counterpoint: "Baskets" is a great TV show.

I was going to read this review, but Taylor Swift just put up her catalog on Spotify and I can't pay attention to two things at the same time.

I've got a bad feeling about this.

Tie breaker: both of them on stage together.

I would loved to have seen Miles Davis with his second quintet when they did the run of shows at the Plugged Nickel in 1965. Although I did see the Grateful Dead a bunch of times, it was during the last few years of their run, so I wish I had been able to attend Oct. 16-20, 1974 at the Winterland.

Definitely more of a studio band than a touring act.

They're bringing back Zima!

As a gen-Xer, I'm amused and thrilled they would target the elderly/millennial demographic and ignore us altogether. Probably a smart move, seeing how we're all too busy polishing our Doc Martins and shopping for flannel shirts.

I'm hoping the very first act will be two girls with popsicles.

Lazy jokes need the most upvotes.

I'm surprised this was cancelled. Now, more than ever, America seems like it would enjoy a show that justifies the use of torture.

No spoilers from me.

1. Cosmic Cube
2. A horcrux
3. The Force
4. Previously unknown twin

This is pretty funny if you've ever seen her movie "The Congress."

I don't know, Damon. There's all sorts of dongs on "Westworld."