
This reminds me of watching Timothy Leary livestream his death on the Internet.

Don't praise the machine.

So, I have until the end of September to see "American Psycho II", "Blues Brothers 2000" and "Cocoon: The Return".

Behold, the ultimate pill!

Do Morrissey concert tickets come with optional cancellation insurance?

I'll be right back.

I guessed Michael J. Anderson.

Perhaps they can reanimate the corpse of Roger Ailes. He'd be perfect for that sort of mash up.

So, he won't be available to play Jabba the Hutt?

Steve Bannon would make a convincing Jabba.

I hate the fact that I actually agree with him on anything.

To be fair, the only kind of art this president likes are velvet paintings of Toby Keith and Ted Nugent.

I've gone from cassettes to CDRs to FLAC. A few years ago, I gave all my cassettes to a good friend who still listens to music through a tape deck out in his wood shop. He was stoked, and I was thrilled the tapes found a good home.

I've been a Grateful Dead fan for 30 years, and during that time I have been unable to explain why I love them so much. In college, friends would look at my multiple 100-racks of cassettes of Dead shows - long after everyone had moved on to CDs - and I would try to explain how each show is unique, and that different

Race ain't nothin' but a color.

That and a dime will get you a cup of coffee.

I'm putting all my money into Stimpacks and Radaway. I also need to bury all my technology in the yard before the Brotherhood of Steel comes to take it.

When Carrie Fisher died, Hulu featured the episode of SNL she hosted back in '78. Anyone who thinks Weekend Update is terrible now might want to check out how it was back in the good ol' days. Bill Murray and Jane Curtain make Leslie Jones' line deliveries sound smooth and unforced. Seriously, check it out.

This film is the blueprint for poundcat's (fantasy) life.

Otto, you went to Brown, didn't you?"