
Neither can compete with the Circle Square Gang.

I'll allow it (in my best judge voice)

I once did roadie work for Melvin Seals, who played keys for Jerry Garcia Band, and those analog instruments - a B3 with a Leslie amp - were both cripplingly heavy and extraordinarily sensitive to the slightest jostle.

I'm glad I was able to see him as many times as I did.

I'll trade you this photo of Sean Connery autographed by Roger Moore.

I worked a comic shop in the late '80s and this was an issue then. I'd have to recommend Richie Rich and Casper with a straight face.

For one day only, this comic will only be for sale to women. Men who would never buy a Wonder Woman comic are outraged.

Apparently so:

Umm, is that Kris Kristofferson as Han Solo?

Titus held down a regular job for quite a while at that horror monster-themed restaurant where he waited tables while dressed up like a werewolf.

I really missed Xanthippe last season. Her back-and-forth with Kimmy is always brilliant.

At this point, hating the Clintons has become part of conservatives' heritage, like Confederate flags and shitting on the poor. I mean, my friend's father still complains about Jane Fonda going to Vietnam in 1972.

Grateful Dead 9/27/76. Amazing version of "Supplication."

Morrissey became a fascist so gradually we didn't even notice.

If this is what it means to be woke, I'd rather be asleep.

"There’s a lot of restraint shown in the depiction of violence …"

1. Fast and Furious
2. Resident Evil
3. Marvel
4. DC
5. Movies with large ensemble casts and are focused on holidays (Valentine's Day, New Year's Eve, Mother's Day)
6. Anything based on YA book series (Hunger Games, Divergent, Twilight)
7. 50 Shades of anything, really
8. Parody movies with the word "Movie" in the title

There's a reason I use a photo of the Wall of Sound as my avatar. The Dead is my all-time favorite band. 30 years of seeing shows and collecting tapes and I'm still discovering new things about their music. At this point, the story behind the music is a well-worn path for me, but at four hours, I hope this documentary

I'm not exactly sure what Jason Blum is doing, but whatever it is, he's doing it right. Blumhouse is killing it right now.

My racist uncle is gonna be so pissed.