
Yes, a dark and gritty reboot! Grimdark everything or GTFO!!!

Here comes the steamroller.

If only she had practiced going to Wisconsin.

I'm puzzled by the idea of taking a newsletter on tour, and the idea of booking dates to promote your feminist newsletter exclusively in the midwest is downright bizarre.

"You want to collect the evidence?"

I so hope this is actually true. BTW, there is a really funny documentary on Netflix about the making of Roger Corman's "Fantastic Four."

I was in the audience for the first two. Amazing shows.

Agreed. Such a great song.

Sir, I thank you for your service, but your reference is too obscure for this ungrateful civilian.

For the next 18 weeks or so …

Damnit, this is why I should read previous comments before commenting.

Just the other day, they had a lovely piece about how to make a casserole with Spam and tater tots.

Between this and "My World of Flops", I'm going to have to be sure to visit Rabin's website.

But, white genocide is totally a real thing, right?

Hey now!

I love that Crosby album.

This week I've been listening to Grateful Dead shows from 1982. It's an overlooked year, for sure, with the only commercial release coming in "30 Trips Around the Sun", which includes one show from every year. This show from U.C. Davis includes a jazzy take on "Playing in the Band"

I was blessed to have seen Soundgarden in 1992 when they were firing on all cylinders. When Scott Weiland died, I wasn't surprised. This death has really knocked the stuffing out of me this morning.

I saw her last year. She was a featured speaker at a Bernie Sanders rally in New Hampshire. Bernie ended up getting the "Balk Bump."