Smug Liberal Bastard

Don’t forget the most important lesson: Nothing you do is good enough. Nothing. And your mom does love Chris more. Just saying.

You’re not factually wrong, but you might be somewhat undervaluing exactly how much that law screwed with the ability of law enforcement to apply the law in an even-handed manner.

Oh, if you think the Democrats are particularly new to this game, or that their supporters haven’t been looking down their noses at the “racist, uneducated hicks” of Middle America for the better part of twenty years, I’ve got a bridge here in Mackinac to sell ya.

No, I’m really not.

This is rich. Firstly, I’m not white; and secondly, this entire article is because a WoC criticised a white woman for saying sexism “is like racism”. Ain’t that some fragile shit?

Kudos. i wrote with similar questioning / perspective, but my post wasn’t approved. So I’ll just say thanks for articulating it better than possibly I did.

My original post was stuck, pending, in purgatory, I I’ll just say right on! The irony in this piece and in several of the comments is overwhelming and also sad. I was happy to initially find this blog but some of the hypocrisy is just too much.

A response I received yesterday when talking about alienating potential allies:

C’mon how can they NOT make fun of Trumplethinskin’s Time cover?

“Honestly, you minorities only have to deal with institutional racism, lower wages, employment discrimination, hatred just for skin colour and a whole bunch of minor shit by comparison.”

I probably could, but it’s incorrect that attacking other commenters “for their opinion”. I’m a leftist. Everyone here reflects on me. When folks are all rah-rah about The March On Science then use emotional reasoning to justify some piece of backwards thinking, I’ll challenge them. When people outright lie, I’ll give

A very well reasoned response. The anger toward women and denial of their experience contributes to the problem, particularly for women of color who deal with the intersection of both issues. The way he talked about her body in this article made me very uncomfortable and that’s when he lost me with his overall point.

Please keep mansplaining why racism is so much different than sexism in your personal experience!

“So, no, Unburnt Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, Mother of Dragons (see, I gave her all her titles)“

It’s like nothing is self evident when it comes to moral arguments and yet here we are with people who already have scaled to the top of Mount Wokest saying that if you haven’t don’t even bother and it’s not their job to help you. But seriously, fuck you for not scaling Mount Wokest.

Yea, that’s a really shitty way to wrap up an already odd post. I wonder if there’s a readily available statement, ideally one that’s both overly dismissive and mean-spirited, that I can repurpose as a reply?

The notion that a person cannot complain about sexism if they do not list every other person ever treated differently because of the color of their skin, their religion, the place of origin is really tiring. The author’s article does not make this mistake. His point is rather more subtle and effective. Simply stated,

Are you going to try to tell me that this is any different than a white person saying “They all look alike to me” about black people? It’s not a good look, and I see it here all the time.

Some people tend to assume we make mountains out of mole hills when we read these quotes. No we don’t.

Halle Berry in “Swordfish.”