Smug Liberal Bastard

He’s under investigation? No fucking way! What a shocking surprise! He is still not white, though, you idiot.

You aren’t gonna last long around here presenting fact based arguments. That’s not how they roll man. You have to yell “RACIST!” and you will be fine. Appreciate your post

You won’t find trolling from Locomotive Jones on this one.

Journalists aren’t looking into his religion because he asked if the people were Republicans right before he shot them, so his motivation was obviously political.

I say Connor comes out, gives Floyd a power kick to the balls, gets DQ-ed, and leaves a hero. Really best possible outcome for everybody.

Somewhere, Samuel L. Jackson is digging up his Rev. Fred Sultan costumes, just in case they need some special promotional material.

It’s a start.


Note so sure, I read this and it seems like a ‘reasonable’ supposition:

I just think this is a really good use of time and political energy. Getting all upset because a comedian made a joke.

man, the shit is really gonna hit the fan when she realizes that there are insidious bathrooms that exclude men all over her city.

Snuggle must recognize his teddy bear privilege.

The cake is a lie.

Man oh man, the ACLU is going to be so mad when they find Milwaukee.