Smug Liberal Bastard

Why would any blogger proffer any info that would negate their agenda?

Irony has never been his thing...

Gothan: Goku’s lesser known son...

Dude! You are like a more verbose version of myself! I went on the same overpowering of Cap tangent just the other day...

Only if the murderer is a future HOF’er...

More than likely, but that doesn’t help push the false narrative the Root is attempting to foster...

You will notice conservative websites (and make no mistake about it, the Root is conservative) are not interested in the nitty-gritty nuances of actuality. They just want click-bait to inflame the rubes...

Now Doobs, you know he may be a scumbag but he is no racist.. Lies only make you look foolish...

Oh damn, did I miss Loco’s brief foray from the banned list?! Shit!! I always miss the good stuff....

Your snark is at 150%, I truly don’t know what occurs if it hits 200%...

Was that clicking noise a taser?

What success? It has made the least of all the Spidey movies (still sitting at 70$ million less than Amazing 2)...

I agree. I think Egg just wants to bitch...

Tyler don’t watch FXX! That’s white people shit!

Finally jumped the shark, huh? Wondering how long it would take you..

“Snowflake Enterprises, L.L.C.” Ha! Goddamn that’s good! I really want to see the corporate emblem for that one...

I mean, if you choose to believe Baby Bron-bron...

Ha! I should have looked before posting my own similar comment...

I always liked “Reggie”, though I can’t tell you if it is still in common usage with the kiddies nowadays...