
I've been under the impression that he's been hitting on her.

Bran gave Arya that dagger for a reason. None of us have seen why, but he knows she needs it for something. My guess, Littlefinger.

I could watch hours of nothing but Paul Rudd just sitting still in an empty room

Well, as long as this is a thread of excuse making… Hillary did beat Bernie, but there were a number of roadblocks he faced that she didn't. Uneven media attention early in the race led to him not becoming a household name until well into campaign season. A large amount of his support came from independent

"He's my president and if the libs would get their head out of their ass, they would would want tax cuts and better healthcare for the folks."

I don't follow it, but there's a comic that ties in with the story of the games apparently, and characters die in the comics and I think that's part of the reason a few fail to show up in this one. Though, they're doing Starfire as DLC and Cyborg says she got killed, so I don't know. Maybe DLC is exempt from those

I'm still salty over MK XL. My best friend and I geek out over Mortal Kombat, and since Injustice that game as well, and I was more than willing to throw down 100 bucks for MKX, believing that I had secured myself all future DLC. Then XL happened, and they wanted to dig further into my wallet, and I just flat out

They prefer Marvel over DC. All I'm seeing from those that don't like it is people not really giving the game a chance (It's great, albeit too expensive) because of the same old complaints they've had about DC for years. "It's too gritty" has long been the cry of the Marvel fan. Tonally, I don't find it too far off

My checklist for purchasing injustice 2

Green Arrow is one of the characters that are like the Sub Zero/Scorpion of MK. Good for people with less experience with the game style, but far from the best character. Just easy as hell to play with.

Where do I get one of these sport locating radars?

After constant badgering, I'm finally watching this show on Netflix, and I don't get the hate for Frank. Top 3 Character for me for sure. Reminds me of a family member, and plays the role of "piece of shit" so well.

I rated it 5 meowmeowbeenz

Can't really blame them. Why even chance the possible rebirth of that controversy? Whether its cutting the scene or altering it, the most financially logical thing to do is just never air it.

I wonder too, only because my cat spends 90% of his time on my lap or by my side and I had never thought about him getting a contact buzz until he needed surgery and went to the vet. I nervously brought it up to the vet because I was worried about it potentially effecting whatever drugs they use to put him under if he

The ads are taking over

Because they're in a hurry to catch up and put out their "Avengers" and don't feel like waiting the time it would take to give each member their movie.

I'm convinced they changed the position of the light(sun?) in Cyborg's poster after the Wonder Woman jokes. I mean, what the hell is happening to that mountain?

I must have seen a bunch of talk from a vocal minority then. When they were first kicking around the idea of the Vegas Knights, I saw a lot of people clamoring that the team should be in Seattle.

" we're also an often-disappointed bunch who have learned to accept that our team will break our hearts every time we are stupid enough to hope for better."