
persona 4 is when the franchise became a Commodity instead of an interesting experiment with games that were designed to be an easy mode for SMT mainline games. everything within the persona 4 universe exists to flatter the player's importance to the narrative (which, you know, is perfect for a videogame). in 3,

can liberalism divorced from self aggrandizement exist?????

for me, its this important passage on balloon juice right after Girls came out:

its not even a moral judgement call. just like, violence in the medium seems like a given for so many ppl it isnt really questioned. if COD still has police brutality but the cop is a woman is that progress?

i mean, part of it is that its established that the games press doesnt really care about excessive violence in games (stephen tolito of kotaku once wrote “For better or worse, shooting a gun in a game is still the purest—and
easiest—way to feel that a video game is interactive. The people who
make games know this.

im glad they finally dropped the pretense and said 'ok, this show is primarily for adult nerds now'

like, i dont wanna write off X-2 as a meaningless fun romp (but it IS a fun romp). i dont think there's a FF thats so protag centric as X (as tidus says over and over 'this is my story').

like, to be totally honest the biggest appeal of FF games (to me anyway) is that they are queer (they're not the most advanced either story-wise or mechanics-wise, but they're excellent ascetically and at balancing melodrama and camp).

like, theres this weird assumption that bc yuna is in booty shorts that somehow all her autonomy has been stripped from her which is the exact OPPOSITE of the whole point of x-2. that and theres really only 1 or 2 costumes that could be considered excessive (lady luck, which is supposed to be a femme fatale anyway,

just that bc the FF fanbase is mostly female doesnt mean theres an implicit rejection of an all male cast. amongst ppl i know its either a 'oh ok dudes ::eyeroll::' which stems from a disinterest in stories about brotherhood to begin with or that its basically gonna be Free! and are hype as hell (im in the latter

this seems like one of those weird gender things that runs opposite to what a lot of ppl assume (like bro-dudes thinking they're SUPER feminist bc they speak out against FFX-2, when most of the women/queer folx i know consider it their fav in the whole series. bc maybe its not that women hate sexuality or dressing up

thank god S-E has finally embraced FF as a pop object

kelly sue deconnick did a really good AMA and kind of gave an answer to this (its women in comics, but i think it applies to really anyone not already in the cape comic tribe)…

oh totally! i just feel like with 'female thor' or 'black captain america' its just marvel lending their brands to women/PoC in lieu of actually making original characters (their bread is buttered in movies now so they DEF could be more daring in terms of their comics output). i just dont get why this doesnt get more

im glad someone confirms my belief that modern western mainstream superheroes aren't characters but Brands

comics protip: legitimize PoC/women heroes by giving them a white man's title

its amazing how ppl cant even like look at someone's wiki page about something they're curious about!

I beat ape escape 3 last night and im saddened that games like this are out of vogue now. what a silly fun experience it was.

like i get what yr saying with this whole purity/holier than thou attitude ppl have (INDIES WILL SAVE US ALL) but at the same time, AAA FPSs are LITERALLY the biggest and most popular thing in the industry and are not going away anytime soon so i dont think its terrible for ppl to be like 'can we have something that

whenever ppl complain about the wii u not having enough games i always end up thinking 'man, where do you have time to play games?'