
'everyone said i was gonna win so i didnt bother showing up' is an absolutely horrible campaign strategy.

actually going to states that typically swing either blue or red


oh what the fuck ever. young ppl/PoC/poor ppl in droves voted hillary, and held their noses doing so. even when she spit in their faces over and over and said 'this is the best you're going to get'. it was hillary's job to win the election and instead let a computer tell her it was more important to go on broad city

ok im like, going to try to not be snarky and articulate why exactly i thought it was so bad:

a 100+ hour game with a go nowhere story and where you spend the majority of your time grinding out a nebulous stat in order to gain access to any meat in the game and have it get RAVE reviews to me is shocking.

Best Game: Nier Automata, which is as loving and warm as I expected it would be.

As a baseline, review scores are always going to be inflated bc how numerical scoring works (its vague and there is no standard) and that the majority of videogames that come out now are functionally perfect in that they do exactly what they're supposed to do (bc when you spend multiples of millions on dev time its

I mean, who cares? I feel like when discussions are posed this way it just encourages contrarian takes and makes ppl defensive about not being interested in playing it. Because it absolutely IS a distinct experience from Zelda and Open World norm.

ok fine av club. ill eat my hat. good job putting mizuki and asano on this list. they're both fantastic.

it just like, bums me out that the AVC praises things like bee and puppycat, stephen universe, bryan lee o malley and brandan graham but still take a 'ew manga' stance

I'm good! i pop in from time to time to complain about things. you know, the usual.

oh gosh! like, are you willing to read online scans or do u want published in US only?

oh hey i wonder if this year the av club's list of best comics is gonna have any manga on ipfffffttttt ahahahahahahahahahaha

yeah no star wars is for kids tho

the thing that always confused me about this line of argument is that the types of games nintendo releases are uncontested in their chosen genres? like, who even makes platformers anymore? or kart racers? like, Pokemon ORAS was just released and ppl are already complaining about how its 'pokemon again' but if u wanna

this is the problem ive always had with psychonauts: a great art department, at least to me, didnt make up for pretty lackluster gameplay

bc most video game writers have very little cultural awareness outside video games.

korra is genuinely one of the most joyless things I have ever watched on television. Incredibly politically tone deft and so obsessed with itself and its own meaningless lore I dont fully understand how ppl sit and watch it every week.

ive been playing it on and off when ive been up at my parent's (my younger brother has it). its a fun enough 'stuff to do' game, i just wish it would stop talking to me…