
oh yea def. ppl LOVE doom and gloom nintendo articles but sony and microsoft are just as close if not closer to shuttering their game divisions. the whole industry model is a mess. consoles with distinct philosophies have gone the way of the dinosaur considering just how much is costs to produce a game now and have it

the age of console exclusives is more or less dead outside nintendo. that model just isnt profitable anymore considering even games that are on 3 major platforms are still considered 'failures' in terms of sales. that and most game consoles are positioning themselves less as game machines and more multimedia devices

im really excited for all the think pieces that arent gonna be written about how gross and racist the cover is

hahahaha i love that i come to complain about BD and everyone just comes and gives me game recs <3

after 70 hours and maxing out every job/character i finally beat bravely default. Now im left wondering what 'old school final fantasy' even is (if it exists at all). the whole game felt so charmless and dreary and lacking heart and warmth the fact that so many ppl got pulled into it shows how powerful this false

there were SO MANY great 3rd party wii games. tatsunoko vs capcom, fragile dreams farewell ruins of the moon, zack and wiki, all the operation rainfall games, a boy and his blob, the SNK compilations, klonoa, lost in shadow.

what confuses me when ppl trumpet this kind of stuff (this shitnerd baby console war tribalism) is that rhetoric like that hasnt been relevant for over a decade! after the gamecube nintendo realized that going head-to-head with sony was a fool's errand (bc the gamecube was a really powerful system and STILL failed

ok yah sure but i think what ppl forget when they go "UGH WII FIT TRAINER" is that nintendo is a japanese company? and stuff that's successful and recognizable in japan isnt the same as whats successful and recognizable in america? the wii fit was a big success over there (it sold about a million units in japan in a

my great grandmother always hated how much i loved video games (as any great grandma who grew up during the great depression would), but one day she sat down and watched me play Shadow of the Colossus and was mesmerized by Argo's realistic movements, as she grew up with horses on her farm as a kid.

I'm about 40 hours into Bravely Default and I'm still not sure how I feel about it? I end up putting it mentally in the same space i put Persona 4 (mechanically 'perfect', but somehow feels hollow and charmless in its lack of rough edges or weird creative decisions). It feels developed by 8-16 bit FF fans who remember

ive never understood why a western-centric reboot of a series that didnt need it (*cough cough* lords of shadow *cough cough*) and adds little new/interesting things gameplay-wise and actively treats the fans of the original IP terribly garners such praise for those things yet the grievances of megaman fans who

in other news, dan harmon asked for an advance copy of the COMMUNITY porn parody.

!!! should have known its against the law to do a hatesong not about a pop song/radio hit of the last 10 years

i find myself slowly going back to 'classic rock' that my uncles didnt drill into my head and used to shame anything i liked (primarily anything made by non whites/women) as a youth. Dylan, Bowie, Stones etc that was not on the syllabus for some reason.

i mean im sure it is, but ive never felt any real connection to it due to actual small contemporary record stores not existing around here because to newbury comics


hahaha yes im He

OH GOD VIDEOGUM. what a hole

what really

we talked about class politics and it was really interesting?