No. VR is a failure.
No. VR is a failure.
Yes, we know. Dry metal so it doesnt rust. Geez...
Well no, they lost because they got the flu.
Wait, is it the weekend? Because this is the shitty type of article that the weekend bloggers typically write.
Maybe you should hire quality writers and keep out of politics then.
It’s not “racist” if it’s a curse that native americans would have/bestow, its a fact. Stop throwing that word around.
These movies were shit anyway...
HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!! He moved the camera!!
As long as the far left and the far right are the majority that gets knocked off, bring it on.
Ugh. Fat girls singing about how their mama said boys want fat girls. No.
If you believe the NSA has the right to peer into your life without your permission, you’re part of the problem, giving away rights until you have none.
And don’t forget, you have to get all of your news from blogs and Stephen Colbert.
It doesnt matter if Donald gets the majority, they already came out and said on the record that they will not make him the nomination.
She’s going to be indicted, the FBI has already cut deals with her one aide for immunity, and they don’t do that if they dont have a case. They said that it would be post-election so they can build the case correctly.
She’s been a politician 30+ years, and doesnt have the common sense to know what should be considered classified material, even if its not explicitly labeled? Yea, good luck with that.
Wrong on so many levels. He fled to Russia because they won’t extradite him, and he sacrificed his life in the states for the greater good and try and wake up the American people.
Voting for any of the 4 front runners is idiotic. You have Trump, who’s just...fucking Trump. Cruz I dont know enough about. Hillary is a criminal who is about to be indicted, and Bernie is a socialist.
Snowden is an American hero who exposed how much the government is spying on its citizens.
Until Disney decides “Hey, all that stuff is no longer canon”.