so the ocean is brighter and less slow mo than the main land in the Snyder universe?
so the ocean is brighter and less slow mo than the main land in the Snyder universe?
So Wikileaks was cool when they’re taking down Bush and the Republicans, but when they do the same to Clinton and the Democrats they’ve hit rock bottom?
Maybe Facebook beat analysts expectations because he was collecting money from the DNC?
Cruise was brilliant in Collateral as the villain. I’d check it out if you can.
Well there’s little chance Vader will pursue them to that beach on the cover. He hates sand. It’s coarse and rough and just gets everywhere.
Fixed it for you:
Based on activists like Leonardo dicaprio, I guess we should own several mansions and many expensive cars each, and fly in private jets at every opportunity. Oh, yeah. And make speeches about stopping fossil fuel use.
You dealing with a bunch of people who were taught a song in kindergarten and they took it to heart: “I Am Special".
Here’s my message to Bernie supporters, the precious snowflake Millennials:
“But how, just how in the fucking world are my fellow Dems/progressives devolving into such rabid zealots. . .”
I mean, you fuck one goat and they call you a goat fucker.
If there’s one thing I’ll miss about the primary season coming to an end, it’s all those oh-so-useful stories that were summarized with “Hashtag surfaces...”.
It is kind of classic for ‘hacks’: actually creating more work and mess than the very act that it is trying to replace.
I will say this again. Is what the NSA is/was doing wrong, yes. Is what Snowden did wrong, yes.
Hillary is anything but clean. And that applies to a helluva lot more than the email server issue.
10. The real world is void of safe spaces.
Wait a minute.... You’re right!
A basic human right? Wow. You guys can take something as simple as bottle water and turn it into some bull-shit bleeding-heart liberal human rights cause. Giz has gone so far downhill recently it's appalling.