Josh Lewis

You dealing with a bunch of people who were taught a song in kindergarten and they took it to heart: “I Am Special".

Here’s my message to Bernie supporters, the precious snowflake Millennials:

“But how, just how in the fucking world are my fellow Dems/progressives devolving into such rabid zealots. . .”

I mean, you fuck one goat and they call you a goat fucker.

It is kind of classic for ‘hacks’: actually creating more work and mess than the very act that it is trying to replace.

10. The real world is void of safe spaces.

This would never work at my office. The women in my office go on strange diets such as (no white foods this week) or no fried Wednesdays. They are all fat still.

Or she could understand that the current American economy isn’t set up in such a way that most can afford most homes right out of collage or even a few years afterwards. You’ll have to do something cheaper while saving. Same for new cars and other large purchases. A lot of the big purchases your parents made were the

For some reason, I can’t take anyone who has over 30,000 unread e-mails seriously.

Select all, deselect the few important ones you still remember about, and mark as read.

when one year when your already in debt and living in a shabby house and dont eat 2 weeks out of the month and you do your taxes and all of a sudden you owe money and cant understand why after years and years of getting refunds you need to come up with 1000 dollars you will understand

It just doesn't matter right now. We've got more fucked up things to deal with first. It's call prioritizing.

Seriously, people need to just stop with this ‘space will help us dramatically’ bullshit.How about- i dont know- PUTTING GENUINE EFFORT INTO SOLVING YOUR MANY PROBLEMS rather than wasting money on dumb dreams

Bwahaha, future looks bright! :D

Isn’t this political suicide? If a candidate came out with some grand plan to conquer Mars they’d immediately be dismissed by their opponents and swing voters as being “out of touch”.

How do I get rid of glaring typos? 😂

And much like when the Germans invaded Pearl Harbor.

If you’re getting a tax refund big enough to open an investment account, you’re already screwing up. Lower your witholding amount and put the extra amount from each check towards your savings etc. Why give the government an interest free loan and give up the returns you could be getting in the meantime?

Why would they? They make it pretty clear what you’re doing and if people are too stupid to read and UNDERSTAND what they are putting money into then I’m afraid it’s really on the person themselves. It’s not their fault people continue to assume KS is a store when it has been stated repeatedly that it’s not.


These fucking “emergency” lifehacks are always such a crock of shit; if you have the emergency supplies then you’re probably still at home with your actual stove.