Josh Lewis
joshlewis1 this what counts as an article? Check ebay to see if you can sell something first?

If you can’t afford the same internet prices everyone has, instead of just subsidizing again, you should re-evaluate your life. Unless you’re a senior or disabled. If you’re just some bum who gets an EBT card but can still buy an iphone, fuck you.

Well no, they have to ask to be excused, so they’re not just getting out and wandering around. Idiot.

Maybe you should be teaching kids that it’s ok for them to get their feelings hurt, and that people that disagree aren’t automatically racist/bigots/whatever

Not anymore.

“Cope with ups and downs.”

For real. I thought this was Friday at Lifehacker for a minute.

I’d like to see a picture of you posted here. If you don’t look like you’re doing this workout, we dont want to hear it. For gods sake, your profile pic is you eating a donut. shit. They only take into account the information of whoever is on the loan.

So it’s just a kit car. Riveting.

They all probably have a gluten allergy or a thyroid issue.

Been with the girl since she was 15? Walk. She’ll be tired of you soon, and then she’s going to go out and catch a dick and you’re going to be home alone sad.

You’re at most mid-20's, and haven’t contributed to the world, right?

Are you talking about the Social Security that I’m required BY LAW to take out of my check, in the hopes its still there?

30 year retirement? If I retire at 60, I’ll be dead before that happens, plus I’ll be getting BACK the money I put away. Fuck, I love when you worthless millennials are wrong.

Don’t they get enough of our dollars for their healthcare and soon to be “free” tuition?

Millennial’s are worthless freeloaders who think if they stand there hating life long enough, someone will come along and make it better.

I don’t love Trump, but come on, how about a little journalist reporting, and leaving your views out of it? The campaign manager didn’t assault her, but the liberals and GOP are using it as an excuse.

So what happens if you DO have enough space? Are you charged then?

You take the name because its’ traditional’ and marriage meant that the husband was assuming possession and taking care of the wife. I can’t believe you wasted a whole article on this. You sound way too high maintenance to marry.