Josh Leitzel

I don't understand why people treat trolls as if they were actual male rights activists. Which, shocking I know, actually DO deal with serious male gender specific issues. And yes, those do exist.

It's almost like there's an "oppression bingo card" at this point. Check off of all the minority and/or discriminated aspects of your character to see where you fall on the "I can be as much of a bigoted asshole as I want because oppression!" spectrum. Btw, not insinuating that you harbor this mindset in the least.ā€¦

This is an example of how the massive overcompensation begins.

Thanks for the insight. You pose an enticing counterpoint, for sure.

I think you really underestimate just how dense some SJW's can be. It wouldn't be the first time they took what was originally a joke completely seriously. I can't track down and screenshot all the times I've come across it being used completely genuinely, so that can only be an anecdotal account, but I can assure youā€¦

"Fallon interviewing Hitler." The comparison was clearly there, and yeah, it was someone being completely serious about it, even if they tried to pass it off as a funny joke. It's become the subconscious thing to do, equalizing the two.

"Well I'm sorry the whole world isn't some big liberal arts college campus."

Really? I am quite honestly shocked because I hear it all the fucking time. Guess you're one of the lucky ones.

And here we have example A.

Maybe I'd feel more inclined to discuss if it wasn't 4 in the morning where I'm at.

Well, I could actually attempt to go into a long and monotonous political diatribe in the AV Club comment section, but we all know that those have never actually changed anybody's political opinions before. And after the fact you just regret all the wasted hours.

That's what transphobia kind of alludes to. Or "intense dislike," "hatred," whatever descriptor suits your fancy more so. Unless the bidders have updated the meaning again.

I love that "with nothing to back it up" has become the de facto defense of detracting commenters, despite them not offering up anything at all more in depth. I've discussed this with people who I know would actually offer a solid discussion, but the AVC boards is not the breeding grounds for such a thing, so whyā€¦

You essentially replied to pure_mercury saying that your comment (which he questioned whether or not was satire) was not clever. And you'd be right.

Ha! I must have missed the part where they said that being transgender is wrong or forbidden. šŸ™„

Through your fingers? Lol. Calm down there.

Not really. Obviously they aren't the same in their ideologies but their mannerisms these days are both so self-absorbed and pat-on-the-back. And that's where you get the comparisons.

"He's literally Hitler!" Says all you golden political intellectuals inhabiting the AV Club boards. They're equally terrible for completely different reasons.

I'm not sure if I'd consider the art style to be all that similar, but as far as experimental and beautiful art styles in animation go, Isao Takahata's The Tale of Princess Kaguya is a must watch and definitely something I'd recommend checking out. It does something that I wish more animation would do, and that's howā€¦