Josh Leitzel

Clearly at least nine people agree with you over me so I guess I'll take your word for it.

Ugh… more reviews from Oliver Sava. Why must this man review all of the shows I like?

That's what many of you keep saying, but I just don't see it. I get that the marketing is very calculated and clever, but I don't get too wrapped up in ad campaigns. I think the movies just tend to be good regardless. With Star Wars I didn't watch a single trailer for it yet I completely fell in love with the new

What's up with the AV Club community and their seething hatred towards JJ Abrams? Christ, I've always enjoyed his films just fine. In fact, I think given his persona he seems like a pretty cool guy. It's like anytime one of his films is less than stellar these people jump to attach all the blame to him, as if they

You're really sticking it to the man, pal. Hats off to you. I gotta hand it to—-oh, hold on, the showing of 10 Cloverfield Lane I'm at is about to begin. Gotta scram. And don't forget to remind me afterward to put my preorder in for The Force Awakens bluray.

What, that Spirited Away is a flawed film? Because it is. It has issues. Princess Mononoke I've felt has always been the better, more well rounded and thought out film. Plus the ending is actually decent. And if we can include slice of life films as well, Only Yesterday and Whisper of the Heart are better too.

Well first of all, it's not a fad. Fads don't last for more than thirty years. You just can't get into them, and that's perfectly okay. They have a different style of storytelling than most western animated films do. But if you weren't at all emotionally moved by Grave of the Fireflies or Princess Mononoke then you

Snow White was highly influential but doesn't stand out much in any other department by today's standards. Not sure why you bothered including it. Also, Princess Mononoke and Grave of the Fireflies easily stand alongside the likes of each of those films. Agree to disagree I suppose.

Not true at all. Princess Kaguya is a masterpiece and better than Spirited Away as well.

Fuck off Shrek 2 is godly.

I don't do the ciphers or anything but a lot of people say that they clearly stated that the prophecy will not be fulfilled in the prophecy itself.

Thanks! I love psychological thrillers/dramas and the like. I'll definitely be checking it out. If I could handle Bojack Horseman for like 4 episodes until it became good, I think I'd be able to do the same for this one. I tend to have a high tolerance level.

"anime has done all that stuff for far longer and far better."

What is The Leftovers about, even? If the concept intrigues me I might give it a watch.

I'm not going to pretend that I'm some music aficionado like some people on here, but here's what I guess would be my personal top ten, despite the fact that I've probably only heard a little over 10 new albums in total this year.

I haven't heard their previous stuff, but I absolutely love The Less I Know the Better and Let It Happen.

Same. That's why I just tell them to power through it on a first listen.

I'm in love with Butterfly myself. The entire last two-thirds of that album are near perfect. The first few songs are pretty good too, but not nearly on the same level.

Same. It has so much replay-ability!

Hey, I actually liked Jepsen's new album quite a bit. It's great for playing in the background while I'm driving.