Josh Leitzel

I don't see how the team developing the gameplay would have had to implement the story stuff much at all when the majority if not all of it was contained exclusively for the lengthy Metal Gear tier cutscenes anyway.

Team Ninja weren't the ones responsible for Other M's story though. That was all thanks to Sakamoto, the game's creative director.

Yeah no. It's just a vague term that's way overused by a very particular subset of people (i.e. The plains of people who comment on AV Club articles). It's not a bad term in and of itself, but it's oversaturation by a particular group of people is eye roll inducing. Just like people who can think stop calling others

If the last time they remade a Metroid game it was the best one, then why would it no to be your first choice?

Very original hot take there. Do you write for SNL?

Must we really resort to using a word that's essentially just a cheap meme at this point? Nobody takes you seriously when you say "deplorable." It's like saying "cuck" or "special snowflake."

Why would they waste their time browsing such a left leaning site? It's not like any of the commenters are going to give them a constructive discussion, and vice-versa. So far I see barely a trace, even though I'm not sure how you would classify a member of said crowd. Perhaps a fundamental disagreement with your own

Do you know what actual "MRA's" are? Saying "fuck you" to all of them is essentially dismissing the actual people who work with actual men's issues (I too was shocked discover that these MEN actually have real "issues").

No, you're the only one who's saying things like this.

Dude, you're kind of being a major presumptuous ass here. You don't need to be so defensive because not everybody's line of thinking aligns with your own.

Yeah. Painting Hillary as anything but perfect and having an intense hatred for the other guy is hardly what I'd consider "not taking sides." Just acknowledging that the situation isn't totally desirable.

"It really feels more like a case of people being used to treating politics as 'my side good, other side bad' and getting uncomfortable because some aspect of South Park will eventually challenge your views regardless of what they are. And that's what really pisses them off."

I take it you've read that lame archived Reddit post as well.

The thing is, I can totally see them doing this, but for some reason I desperately want Cartman to get some after all these years.

I don't think he's really "trying" that much, though. Given how legitimately shocked he was at the end of the episode.

I don't know about the rest of the people here, but I thought this was the best episode yet this season. And the ending (that f*cking ending!) had me in total stitches.

Just enlighten people on what the block function is, Christ. There's your safe space.

No growing a pair needed, just be the bigger person and learn to walk away, block, ignore, etc.

Yeah, they don't have time to fairly debunk your counterargument, yet they're perfectly comfortable throwing presumptuous and baseless accusations towards you because your views don't perfectly line up. He's just a Gerald.

Where do we draw the line to where oppression exists and it does not? Surely verbal insults are far from the most harmful, but these things always have to start at some point, and if you don't stop them they only continue to grow.