
I get it, I really do. When I was 9 I got really, really sick after eating a roast beef sandwich from Subway before going on a road trip. The sandwich isn’t what made me sick but everything I threw up in that Motel 6 bathroom tasted like Subway. I can’t even go into a Subway anymore without immediately feeling queasy.

While I don’t believe Fisher, as literally none of his costars have done anything but “Hey, I stand with you.” and have corroborated exactly none of his claims and he’s been caught lying about racism, Whedon’s treatment of Charisma Carpenter has long been a not so secret secret. I don’t know the exact specifics I have

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All y’all need to embrace the Internet Shaquille method and french toast your pizza.

Jaques Pepin has been cooking for so long he’s all out of fucks to give for the fru fru stuff. I suspect he never had much patience for it in the first place.

Women are not immune to stupidity or bigotry, bud, it’s high time you realized that.

It’s a mistake a lot of people seem to make when discussing freedom of speech. Freedom of speech mandates that you are allowed to say whatever you want to say and you will not be sanctioned or censored by the government. It does not, however, protect you from the social impact of what you say. If Carano wants to

I like the money to support black girls and women and for the black community, but I don’t know if I can get behind Pearl Milling as the name of a brand. It doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue and it’s not particularly memorable.

Probably around the time social media dies out and crowd funding sites begin requiring that the recipient be vetted first.

Hold the goddamn phone. You say “sadly” she doesn’t have a legal case. Seriously? Sadly is the word you use? This woman is an idiot, idiots should not be rewarded for being idiots. You don’t give a dog a treat for shitting on your brand new throw rug, you don’t feel pity for someone who can’t sue over using wood glue

You can reform it, but only after you’ve absolutely shattered it to pieces.

It sounds like he’s singing on his voice box, which is technically speaking impossible since you can barely speak that far back into your throat. This is so weird to listen to.

We do admit that. Our fashion admits that, our entertainment admits that, we put our preference for the physically attractive on display at every opportunity. Society doesn’t hide it. Why do you think Susan Boyle was such a “Wow, who’d have thought she could sing?” response from the world? Because she was short, fat,

Of course not, she’s clearly thinks she’s being oppressed. She’s blissfully ignorant of her own ignorance leading to the situation she’s in. It’s everyone else who is to blame, not Jenny Ryan for your realtor.

Or just get yourself a cast iron skillet or dutch oven and never have to worry about issues with browning ever again because you don’t need chemical assistance if you have quality hardware.

I will never understand this American mindset of “Give us liberty or give us death.”, it’s a goddamned wartime slogan from the American revolutionary war... it was first used in 1775 and at the lowest amount of time it hasn’t been a valid slogan since the second world war at the very latest point in time. There is no

That’s the weirdest part to me. We know and have known for a while that Whedon is an abrasive person. There are reports that sometimes he can go a bit too far, but racism so far hasn’t popped up that I’m aware of. Not that I would put it past Whedon given his success in an industry like Hollywood. Between that and the

Pretty sure the “Prince of Peace” would bitch slap him a rainbow trout for holding such events.

This reminds me of a controversy we had here in Canada a while back. A First Nations woman broadcast how poorly she was treated in a Quebec hospital. She was suffering through racist, vile attacks by the nursing staff in the hospital. This kind of garbage is everywhere and it’s unacceptable. How dare this human sleaze

Nintendo has an ownership stake in Fatal Frame. If it’s going anywhere it’s going onto the Switch.

She doesn’t quite look right either.