
In other words it’s possible that key personnel may form a new studio that will either temporarily exist to pick up the reins, or will just be Telltale with a new name.

No, that would be the SNES. The Dualshock is a SNES controller with handles.

Initial interest in the series was probably low. Marvel is a business that is run by a larger business who is only interested in money. I doubt there’s some big conspiracy here.

How did they go from that concept piece for MJ to the plain, boring character we got in game?

Well sure, if you ignore the fact that Jonah leans left in everything but his vehement hatred of Spider-Man.

It’s like they’re actively trying to alienate long standing BioWare fans who stuck with the company during the EA buy out and the subsequent slow and steady drain of the original talent that made the games worth buying.

It’s like they’re actively trying to alienate long standing BioWare fans who stuck with the company during the EA buy out and the subsequent slow and steady drain of the original talent that made the games worth buying.

I don’t know why they either photoshopped the piss out of the Aerith cosplayer’s face, or caked so much makeup on her that it made her look like a mannequin, but the face nearly ruins an otherwise excellent cosplay.

Even if she wasn’t the current Jean Grey, and let’s be honest you might as well call her the former Jean Grey as there is no way she’s sticking around once Disney’s control is finalized, she’s not a good enough actress. You can hear her natural accent in pretty much every sentence she speaks, Turner has completely

I’m going to assume that this article is satirical in nature, as even at a cursory glance some of those tweets are legitimately racist. You peg them onto any other race and there’d be outrage and condemnation raining down upon the person who posted them.

I remember Forsaken. Rented it a few times and never made it past the first level, but I thought it was so cool.

Hard to take Nikki Minaj seriously when this chiclet toothed mother fucker

I don’t think Microsoft owns Alan Wake, pretty sure they just had publishing rights.

The worst part is it’s not even riffing on the Dark Knight anymore, as even it still made it abundantly clear that it was a comic book movie. This is a bunch of old men failing to understand what made the Dark Knight trilogy good, and then trying to apply it to literally everything they make without ever realizing

What in the hell is it with DC and being completely tone deaf with their adaptations? The Teen Titans are a bright and colorful bunch of teenage super heroes who are supposed to deal with the trials and tribulations of growing up and growing apart from their mentors in some cases. Is there drama? Yes. Serious

He’s a new age Howard Hughes, only with half the brilliance and twice the asshole.

I don’t know whether to shake my fist in your general direction or thank you, as this review made me decide to skip Octopath Traveler.

Is this suddenly happening more often now, or are we just finally actually getting reporting about it? I feel like I’ve seen more “Idiot white racist Americans called the cops on innocent black people for doing innocent things while being black” reports in the last year than the previous 31 years of my life combined.

I’m at a point where I’m starting to think that Yelp, and other such services, should require a receipt before you’re allowed to upload a review. You take a photo of the receipt, submit it, once it’s verified you’re allowed to post your review. They’ve got to curb this insanity somehow.

The movie is currently ramping up to film here in Vancouver. I work in a paint store that works with the film industry, and they’ve started coming in for paint and other goods. It’s going to be interesting to see what they get.