
You don’t need to choose between Lebron and Jordan, as Michael Jordan would have run circles around Lebron at their respective peaks. There is no choosing, Jordan is the best professional basket ball player to ever live.

“How to eat cheap”

Of course it is. You expected it to be anything but Ubisoft’s vaunted “games as service” model?

“I visited the detention centers myself”, does this woman not hear herself? It’s a DETENTION CENTER. These children are being kept there against their will, saying the centers are of a high quality is like saying your torture chamber has air conditioning.

Or I can just pronounce it Bridgette like a North American.

It was detailed and well done, certainly, but the kiss itself felt very out of place. Like they were trying to use that scene to frame a violent section of gameplay to highlight the difference between Ellie in her regular life and Ellie when she is forced to fight, but the gameplay shown was for the most part

Keep in mind that Jade is the host for the “Shauni”, an entity that apparently provides a great deal of power for the DomZ. It may not be Jade under the influence of whatever the Shauni is.

“What if Pokemon was Digimon!” is basically what you’re asking for. Nintendo is smarter than you, they know what fans want better than you, you’re just a random whiny internet poster. You are not the target audience.

I’d say it smacks of more than just sexism. There is a certain logic to her losing some ranking, but to drop that far? She could have lost every match over a 14 month period and not dropped anywhere near that far.

The Unhewn Throne is a great example of incredible world building and amazing potential ruined by poor writing. The first book is amazing, the second book is alright, the third book is a hackish mess of tropes and stereotypes. Every book is a massive tonal shift from the last, and at times it seems like Stavely wanted

The viewpoint should not stop you from playing a game you’re interested in. If the gameplay, graphical style, plot and characters appeal to you, then you should play it. Not playing it because of where the camera is positioned is incredibly stupid if everything else interests you.

Why am I not surprised this happened in Langley?

The threequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming would be the perfect place to introduce her...

It was to be expected. Brooklyn 99 has been on the cusp for the last two seasons and it failed to get the ratings it needed to survive this season. I haven’t seen much of it, as I watch the season when it releases on netflix because I don’t have cable, but from the sound of things the series has reached a perfectly

Guy seems a wee bit acerbic, and it’s likely they want the reveal of Smash 5 (if it’s actually Smash 5) to go as smoothly as possible, without anyone being an asshole.

That may have been the case with the original Roseanne, but keep in mind how shitty things got for the social, political and economic class she represented during the original run of the show. It’s completely realistic for Roseanne Conners to have turned out the way she did in a post 9/11, post ‘08 economic crash

America really needs to start fining people quite heavily for shit like this. Even if it wasn’t racist, which it so clearly, obviously, painfully is, this woman shouldn’t have just defaulted to calling the cops. Such activities should be fined, and if they’re found to be racially motivated the punishment should

It is weird to me that people feel the need to make such a disclaimer. As a generic, uninteresting white person I read such articles, often shake my head in disgust, often chuckle at the people who share my racial identity and go on about my day. It’s not worth getting into a huff over, and honestly this article

I don’t mind, as setting it before Infinity Wars makes it a good breather between two extremely serious movies. I don’t think Marvel has anything else in the pipe for the rest of the year, so some harmless fluff will be a big help.

Blossom Tales. I got halfway through the first real dungeon and realized that I had no desire to continue playing it. The game just feels like a poorly conceived A Link to the Past clone, which it is.