
Temper your expectations. Beyond Two Souls is a plot hole riddled mess with mediocre voice acting, awful controls, an abundance of QTEs instead of gameplay, and an uneven story that is poorly paced and has a few major leaps in logic.

Is this some parallel dimension where that page isn’t universally reviled?

Cops are trained to keep a level head and only discharge a weapon when absolutely necessary in Canada. The father of one of my closest friends was a cop for nearly three decades here in Vancouver and even in a city with as much gang violence and drug running as Vancouver, he never once had to fire his gun. Why? While

What in the literal fuck is wrong with Texas?

I used to think Donald Trump wasn’t racist primarily because Donald Trump is just a vapid idiot who only cared about money. I believed he was only acting like he supported certain ideologies to try and pander to specific demographics of people. I’ve since realized that he is a vapid idiot who only cares about money

Ghosting is extremely inconsiderate, but this response is a bit much.

There are times where the humanity frightens me. As a white Canadian I often find myself unknowingly blind to the issues that black men and women face not only in the US, but also in Canada. I know I can do better to confront and deal with such issues as they arise, even if at times I fail to notice them due to my own

Randy Bryce was not going to kick his ass, unfortunate as it is he never stood a chance against Ryan.

Yeah, I hear you. I’m a book reader and sometimes I forget how far behind the TV show is. Especially when the topic of how the TV show is going to cover specific events in the books. I’m constantly having to hold back out of fear of spoiling it for others. Spoilers are the worst.

Don’t get your hopes up. It may not look ugly, but it still runs very poorly.

That’s great and all, but what about the interface, or how the game has an unstable framerate?

Oh yes, they make this generous announcement six months after the game failed to meet expectations due to the predatory microtransactions and tasteless attempt to milk the death of an employee for donations that may, but probably did not, make up the bulk of the DLC for the man.

It’s rare moment until Jimmy Fallon does it. Then he does it every single fucking sketch he’s in, and quite often pretended to do it.

A lot of the things Toriyama did were out of sheer laziness. He eliminated Goku, Vegeta and Gohan’s tails because he was tired of drawing them.

Jeeze, if you’re going to be human garbage, at least own how much you reek.

That’s an awfully extreme pay gap, but I’d say a large part of that can be chalked up to relative fame. I’ve never heard of Martina Navratilova, but I have heard of McEnroe. This isn’t entirely gender based pay gap, if it’s gender based at all.

Correct me if I’m mistaken, but isn’t Matt Smith a relatively well known actor with multiple starring roles and a good amount of experience on his resume? Star or not, he should be pulling in pay equal to his experience. If that adds up to higher than Claire Foy, then so be it. This isn’t an issue of gender pay gap,

To strike first and strike decisively, that is literally the only way Batman ever realistically defeats Superman. Cripple him in one blow, or lose.

There part where it’s not a hiatus. Super is over.

This event is all well and good, but we all know what’s actually going to happen. The skilled players who know where to get the best equipment early on are going to invade the PS+ newbies for their own cruel amusement.