
Oh god, she sing talks.

It’s his son like Piccolo is the son of Piccolo Daimou. That’s still the same Groot from the first movie, just in a new body and with new experiences. It’s more akin to a clone than a child.

They didn’t even put proper effort into the Secret of Mana remake, why would they not fuck this up?

It’s to sell the impact and to show Ronda as she pops up. WWE’s primary television director, Kevin Dunn, is not the best director in the industry. Honestly, he’s not even the best TV director in the company.

If you’re trying to make him sound like less of a sanctimonious, self righteous asshole, you’re failing miserably.

So, call me crazy, but it’s not even that complicated. Marvel just made a hugely successful movie out of one of their worst major characters. Black Panther is a boring, one note character that is a Mary Sue in his own books and completely out of place in most appearances in other books or in ensemble casts. He’s too

These phrases have, for the most part, entered the common vernacular, their origins no longer matter. Their use is what is important. Any word or phrase can be racist or demeaning if used in the right way.

There’s a better than decent chance that is Hiromi Tsuru. Need I point out that animation of any kind takes time, and that there is a very good chance that this was recorded before she died?

Sounds like a superfluous, unimportant scene cut for good reason. Did either of these characters play a major role in the film? If they did, then this is a shame, as there was no reason not to expand upon who they are. If they did not, then this was a meaningless bit of time wasting fluff.

All breed have issues, even mutts. The dachshund is a very stable breed that was developed over decades centuries ago. The fact of the matter is that doxies are genetically stable, physically hardy, and are not any more prone to back problems than the majority of all breeds.

This is why you have to go with functional dogs over show dogs if you want a pure breed. My parents own a pair of miniature dachshunds they got from a very reputable breeder who goes out of her way to avoid over breeding. Even if she didn’t the dachshund is a very genetically stable breed. Why? They’re a hound, they

A “moral offense”? That’s their apology? Mother fucker, you just ruined something that is possibly 2,000 years old. That’s not a moral offense, asshole, that’s wanton destruction of our history. There’s no moral offense about damaging one of the few looking glasses that we have to our history. I hope the Peruvian

God forbid I ever have kids, but they won’t be allowed to use youtube if I do until they’re at least 8 to 10 years old depending on the maturity of the kid.

I must have magic death colds, because every single cold I’ve ever had has at least one bad headache attached.

Well, I wouldn’t get it because I already have it and am therefore aware that it’s a poorly balanced, half finished mess.

Most fans who are having a problem with it don’t source that issue to it being an incredible feat of Force strength so much as it being an incredible feat of space magic bullshit. The bridge of the ship Leia was on had just been blown out. Between the concussive force of the explosion ripping through the bridge, the

Golf Story or Stardew Valley.

There was a post on reddit detailing just what makes this latest statement from Trump so racist, and it’s not referring to these countries as shit holes. It’s the “why” that shows how racist he is. As if to say “Why” are they allowed, “why” do they think they have the right to come to the US. We’re looking at this

I can wait, simply because I wanted a sequel instead of a second port.

No thank you. The last dude to “wrong” me is a bitter old man half crazed from decades of improperly protecting himself while painting for a living, working with a sprayer, and he spent most of that time working with paints that are now illegal to produce to to their toxicity. He’s also just an absolute piece of shit.