
Six is old enough to know not to shove things into systems like that. Five is old enough. Shit, four is old enough. You got some enthusiastic kids.

It was a meaningless industry back patting award show. Not the right vehicle for them to say such things. Perhaps the Oscars will be that vehicle, but I wouldn’t count on it.

If you have a Switch and have not played Golf Story... you need to get it. It’s somehow both the best Golf game ever made, and a fantastically fun, ridiculous fantasy adventure. It’s awesome.

You must have been in some weird as fuck argument sin your life.

I hope we never get an HD remake of the DKC series. Leave it as the incredible experience that it is. Not every game needs a soulless, vapid remake.

How did no one stop him? Surely he has to have someone next to him to say “Look, I appreciate the fact that you’re willing to paint that much of your body for the costume, but this is just egregiously racist of you and it’s not going to win you any favors with anyone.”

Congratulations on finally showing you’re not completely fucked up, America.

It’s very true. I could read before I was even in kindergarten and was fluent enough by first grade to read novels for three simple reasons. First and foremost my father read to my sister and I every day. He read books to us, not simple books aimed at kids, but novels. Some of my fondest memories from childhood are

And here I was feeling vaguely like an asshole because I thought people were being too nice to this kid simply because he was bullied.

Sheesh, Nintendo’s response to these awards seem to be “Fuck you, we’re taking this.”

Somehow I doubt the intent was to malign attempts to allow the blind to gain some measure of access to content found in a visual media, however the notion that this can be used to make a TV show or movie into an audio book for a person with sight to listen to is asinine, bordering on ludicrous.

Choosing to review something because you hoped it would live up to a completely different series, with completely different gameplay is not a valid reason to review it. Someone else, someone who didn’t go in with obvious and pervasive biases against the series, should have reviewed it.

So, word of advice. If you don’t like a franchise then you shouldn’t be reviewing it. You basically gave anyone reading a perfect reason to ignore your opinion within the first 30 seconds of starting to read your review.

Two years on and less than a month before the release of The Last Jedi, and I’m convinced they could not have done a better job with Rey’s casting than Daisy Ridley.

And it’s a shame Persona 5's localization did such a poor job of showing that. Too much of the bad things that happen in the game get chalked up to “Neerrr shitty adults neeerrr!” that the game practically memes itself by the end.

Sounds like a slightly more energetic version of a Canadian thanksgiving,

Just women of color? Can’t all women divest from Lena Dunham. Shit, can all sentient life have the freedom to divest itself of Lena Dunham.

Is he still shown that way on a regular basis, though? The Simpsons has degraded to such an extent that every character is a shadow of who they once were.

No they aren’t. They’re saying they are, but I guarantee you that there’s an admiral, captain, probably a few lieutenants and maybe even a fleet admiral who are high fiving and laughing about it and then calling up the air force all “Beat that, nerds!”

Well, to be fair Loki hasn’t really been a villain in decades. He’s been chaotic neutral since the late 80s. He’s been going back and forth for so long that it’s an established part of his character that his self serving and capricious nature more or less keeps him from committing to one side because he’s not the kind