
Wait, seriously? That’s a thing? This is something that black women experience with enough regularity that it has a game about it? That’s awful. Why would someone think that it’s okay for them to invade the personal space of another person like that?

What is it with American authority figures treating shootings like a zero sum game? Like there can’t be multiple contributing factors, including gun control, that allowed this to happen. It always has to be one specific thing, but never gun control.

So does that mean Ben’s going to be calling out his shit head brother?

Honestly I think it’s not his intent to exclude in any way, he just doesn’t always say things the correct way. It was one of the things that held in back during his campaign.

“This is my commandment that you love one another and that your joy may be full”. This is a line from a relatively popular Christian hymn based off of a bible passage from the book of John, chapter 15, verse 12. Which flat out states that Jesus commands his followers to love others as God would. Christianity does not

Actually it is his job to decide where you should be playing the video games his team makes.

Eating properly is just so hard. I’m somewhat poor and it’s hard to eat healthy and cook for one person while keeping your costs down. You just can’t buy healthy food in the small amounts necessary to cook for one.

Kurt can actually still do the vast majority of his usual in ring stuff. They need to be careful of his neck, of course, so he shouldn’t be taking any major ladder, table or chair bumps, but he can still out wrestle 90% of the roster of any company.

Nooooooo. Up here in Vancouver we had snow for pretty much the entire month of December. Every time it got warm enough to rain or melt that shit away it was snowing again a couple of days later. -_-

It’s actually good? As the Donkey Kong energy drink I had a few years back was dreadful and tasted nothing like donkeys, kongs or bananas.

I knew I would love Stardew Valley because I’m a long time Harvest Moon fan, but I’m not surprised that people who didn’t expect to love it are enjoying it so much. It has something most games, even the majority of the HM series, lack. It’s inherently relaxing. Everything about it is laid back and it never makes you

Making your way through Mordor today takes everything you’ve got, you’re worried your pet ghost is a little bit nuts, violence would help a lot.

What in the hell is a “Cracker Barrel” and what the fuck do you eat at one? Because the only thing that comes to my mind is a barrel full of saltine crackers.

Hopefully they keep things under control this time. Black Panther and Wakanda as a whole have been somewhat over extended over the last year and a bit, and a couple solid series were canceled as a result.

I’m oddly jubilant about this. I firmly believe that they won’t actually get married, because fuck DC and WB and their belief that Batman can’t be happy, but the fact that Selina said yes is awesome.

Oh god, she’s helping to gear up Kanye’s 2020 run.

“Game that should have been on the system but isn’t, because fuck Squeenix and Nintendo: Chrono Trigger.”

Hopefully he just remains simply as Logan and doesn’t try to retake his old mantle.

This woman is mentally ill.

What I find funny about this is it’s opposite white washing. Fullmetal Alchemist is set in a country called Amestris, which is an alternate reality version of Germany.