
Huh, that is actually sooner than expected... However we were initially promised 13 episodes in September. Which would have been nine months since the last season, so this isn’t really doing the viewers any favors. This is basically saying “Well, we got behind schedule. Probably because of all the leaks and other

I feel like my mother might do something like this if she was a violent person. When someone parks in her spot it’s kinda scary. I was visiting my parents last week and someone was in her spot and her response was to box the person in between my her car and my dad’s truck.

So, why is this “insane white boy shit”? Everything described in this article doesn’t really seem like it needs a racial descriptor just because the dude is white.

I was hoping for a Tales From the Borderlands season too. Why they’ve waited so long without a second season when it ended on a flipping cliffhanger is beyond me.

So, they shelled out for Peter Cullen but not Frank Welker? The guy who is so ready, willing and able to play every part you’ll throw at him that he’s bit parted his into the most successful hollywood voice over career in history? I guarantee he’d have been up for it.

While I appreciate a Community reference as much as the next guy, Casey Hudson would be Jeff in this situation. He’s the one directly responsible for ME3's disjointed campaign and godawful ending.

Really? You like the fact that the man responsible for the dumpster fire that was ME3 is back?

They did. A port of the game is in the works for the Switch. Squeenix announced as much when the Switch was still known as the NX. However the 3DS version looks fine, I’d even say it looks better than the PS4 version. The graphics on the 3DS are cute and stylized, the PS4 graphics are plain and boring.

Tell him no. When I was four my parents would give me 30 minutes of video games a day. You’re being far too generous, restrict his time, create a new profile for him, let him start his own game and stop whining about it on the internet.

That is pretty much what he wears under his armor in the comics, so I guess he’s the galactic conqueror of the working man.

Well of course, the best wrestling gimmicks are the personality of the person in question dialed up to 11. So yes, McGregor does have his personal prejudices and biases, but I’d wager not any more or less than your average person. As the song goes “Everyone’s a little bit racist”, McGregor just dials it up and makes

Well, first you realize that McGregor isn’t actually racist, he’s just dipping into the professional wrestling playbook and being the heel. It’s what he does, it’s what he’s always done and he’ll probably always do it. Is he an asshole? Oh, definitely, but he’s playing it up for the audience.

No. We live in a world where you can record pretty much anything at any time and with some services you can set it up with your phone. Wait until the rugrats go to bed and then enjoy your show while you fast forward through the commercials.

I don’t think he’s legitimately racist, he’s just playing the heel. He still needs to watch his mouth, but a lot of what he says is so ridiculously cartoonish that it’s hard to believe he’s serious.

It would be hard if they’re specifically trying to go with someone who is not only a skilled actor and singer, but also a relative unknown. Singing and acting are skills you learn through experience. Finding someone who can do both well, is young enough and handsome enough to play Aladdin but is not a recognizable

Sounds like the AI from Super Mario Strikers Charged on the Wii.

It’s not a bad show, it’s not a good show, it’s a show. Taken without the context of it being an adaptation of Castlevania it’s about as enjoyable as an R rated mid budget anime can be. It’s graphically violent, has a lot of foul language and a good balance of action and story driven scenes. So if you just view it as

How ironic. Calling out racism with racism.

Nathan’s are my personal favorite. Something about their texture is just so much more satisfying to me.

No it isn’t, it’s really not. Mother 3 is the most over hyped and overrated game out there.