
To paraphrase the theme song of the professional wrestler Mark Henry, “Somebody gonna get their ass kicked, somebody gonna get their wig split, somebody ain’t gonna land hits, somebody gonna run away.” Whether or not McGregor gets his ass kicked is up in the air, but Mayweather is probably just going to take a few

No Chrono Trigger? Illusion of Gaia? DKC2 and 3? This line up is garbage.

Clearly you weren’t actually paying attention to KH2, as his focus in that game is almost exclusively on Kairi. His worry for Riku comes only near the end when it feels like they’re on his trail. Riku is his best friend and he’d spent most of his journey worrying that Riku was dead even if he didn’t come out and say

No, the implication is that the character has to be an addition that is a worthwhile expansion to the world and brings a new way to look at existing characters and events. Adding a character to the comics simply because he’s a part of aboriginal folklore is a disservice to aboriginal American and insulting to the

Harley was added because she was became an integral part of Joker’s appeal in the show and was popular as a result. I somehow doubt this is the case with this character.

But... children of one Jewish parent are Jewish by birth so long as the mother is Jewish. That’s an actual thing.

My only comment on this situation is “Holy fuck, what are they feeding this kid? He’s ginormous.”

I don’t, and the odds of me getting one are very small. I could win the lottery tomorrow and take home millions and a 4k TV wouldn’t even be on the list of things to buy.

Barb is a meme. It started out ironically and just snowballed until you got some people genuinely deluding themselves into thinking her death was a bummer. Barb was literally in the series to die, she served no purpose aside from that.

Don’t assume it’ll be a “legit” Pokemon RPG for Switch. Odds are it’ll just be a third version of the 3DS release of the next generation of Pokemon games. It’s not suddenly going to be a high quality HD game.

So, tour is good. Guy doing the touring is a moron.

I’ve seen a lot of white Storm cosplays and black every white character you can possibly think of over the years. As long as the cosplay is good I doubt people would care too much.

Yeah, a nice moment where he gets a little emotional, about fucking people who have been wait for nearly 15 years out of the sequel they were promised by making a prequel instead. BG&E ended on a cliffhanger, this is a big, red, throbbing middle finger to anyone who wanted resolution to the handful of dangling plot

It’s a prequel? Man, fuck that shit.

Hopefully they realize that the actual ship combat isn’t want people liked about Black Flag. No one talked about how great the ship combat was, it was all about “Dude, have you heard this sea shanty?” and “Yarrr, I be a pirate.” not “Wow, that naval battle between the pirates and the navy ship was great!”

That wasn’t as big of a dumpster fire as I was expecting, but still a bin filled with burning garbage.

God forbid they decided to use them because they fit the game and are fun.

BioWare is dead. Has been since Most of the original dev teams left after the EA buy out.

“Looks better than it ever has”, well no shit. The last time we got a good look at it was last E3, if it somehow looked worse after that long there would be something very, very wrong.

Kinda shitty of Square-Enix to trade on nostalgia with this, their heyday on the SNES after two decades of shunning Nintendo.