
I wouldn’t refer to that as the physics going haywire, I would call that the reasonable reaction to treating a log like a rocket.

Never. What makes these characters work is that they only have vaguely defined personalities and backstories, go into much more detail and the appeal would go away.

I don’t know if “comically” is even the right word. At a certain point it veered off from racist, to comical, to cartoonishly racist.

Sounds like they literally just ported the music over from the SNES release of the first game. Oh, this gon be bad.

I’m all for diversity in casting, but there two problems with Priyanka Chopra playing Babs. First, Commisioner Gordon is white in the DCEU, Priyanka is quite clearly not. Second, Chopra is way too pretty to play Babs.

When Nintendo released the 3DS there was no Pokemon for it. Instead the next entry in the series went to the DS with the first 3DS entry coming a year later. If we are going to get a Switch Pokemon game then it’ll likely happen with the next generation of titles. So, Pokemon Fruitsnack/Lemonade/generic colored

A from the ground up remake of Chrono Trigger with handrawn animation done by Akira Toriyama’s Bird studio. I know it will never happen, but it’d be amazing.

Wonder Woman hasn’t reliably been in that star spangled gitch for years.  Furthermore I don’t understand why people want her to be in patriotic gear in the first place. At no point in the entire history of the character has she ever actually been American, I’m pretty sure they never even gave her citizenship. She’s

Long story short? There are two Transformer gods. Primus and Unicron. Primus the life bringing, Unicron the destroyer. Primus created the Transformers and either used his own body to form Cybertron, because he’s a giant Transformer god, or put his “spark” (his soul essentially) into the planet.

Only three games on the last are even in the action-adventure genre.

I can’t wait for this esports bubble to pop. That is an insane buy in price.

Well, uh, I hate to be that guy, but she’s not beautiful. Obesity is not an attractive quality.

No it isn’t. The only heroes capable of headlining a video game currently are Batman and Spider-Man, and of the two only Batman has been able to maintain an ongoing series. Wonder Woman, successful Hollywood movie or not, does not have the fan base to support a video game.

I get that age kinda murders us all visually in the end, but holy shit has it been cruel to Kathy Griffin.

It’s only fair that the game gets a Grooms event.

Beast Wars.

Really? Because my hopes were literally that Gal Gadot wouldn’t ruin it with her complete and utter lack of acting ability.

He was less than a year from 90 when he shuffled off our mortal coil, he had a long, happy life. He’d probably still be alive if he hadn’t smoked for over six decades.

My grandfather lost his brother in the second world war, refused to buy anything made in Japan for the rest of his life. I inherited his car, it’s a piece of shit Buick that he bought primarily because it wasn’t manufactured in Japan. Yet what happens when his eldest grandson grows up? He marries a Japanese American

Dun make it any less shitty.