
Make your own. Bread in general is not hard to make and it doesn’t take a whole lot of active time. Of actual active work baking bread takes about 15 minutes. If you have stand mixer with a bread hook, or strong hands and don’t mind spending an extra ten minutes on the project, then you should give it a shot. Look up

Make your own. Bread in general is not hard to make and it doesn’t take a whole lot of active time. Of actual active

The Star Wars subreddit took the cake this year with easily the most misguided and assholish “prank”. They turned it into Jar Jar Wars. Unless you turn off the subreddit theme, which the vast majority of the sub seems to have done, it turns everything into Jar Jar Binks quotes. For the sake of a stupid prank they

Not to side with the evil corporations, but this should have been expected. Using television as a comparable example, WWE is currently rated PG. Why? Anything higher than PG gets shitty advertising and sponsorship even if ratings are huge. WWE is making more money now with a quarter the viewership than they were 18

Ugh. I can’t play a Yoko Taro game after NIER. I’m a dead husk inside and that even made me cry. He’s just a father who wanted to do what’s best for his daughter.

Actualy the “other guy” who wrote the ending to ME3 wasn’t even a writer, he was the project director. He took the “other guy” into a room, told him how the ending would go and then they wrote the dialogue. The rest of the writing staff was then barred from giving it a peer review. So it’s like 10% Mac Walters, 90%

Big sidequest? It’s literally a couple of minutes long, how the fuck is that a big sidequest?

The problem can be traced back to Dragon Age 2. All four primary romance options were available to Hawke regardless of the gender of the character you chose. Ignoring the fact that there were strong narrative reasons for one of those four to not only be firmly heterosexual, but also not interested in shacking up with

It’s not that people have poor listening comprehension and more that the vast majority of the people who listen to a song don’t pay attention to the lyrics. They hear the main hook and judge the song accordingly. Using “Every step you take” and myself as an example, I honestly never paid attention to the lyrics past

“Voice acting”. So first off in this situation it would be referred to as “voice over”, you don’t ditch voice acting, you ditch the voice over. With that out of the way it’s not even voice acting, anyone could play the part. It’s a series of silly sounds scrambled about.

That was exactly my thought on seeing the headline image. Ignoring the fact that is far too complex in terms of design to be on 8 bit, it has too many shades of just black in 2B’s dress to be 8 bit.

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He’s only human, so he won’t always be that nice guy he seems to be. However he’s held up the good dude demeanor for so long that it’s more than likely legitimate.

That kid looks awfully old to be crying in a situation like that.

It’s difficult because kids are stupid. Need I remind you that a crow is smarter than your three year old? A bird is smarter than your tiny human. If you want a game your spawn can figure out easily then go with something simple, or wait another year until your kid has developed the motor skills to function on its own

So, they’re going after an employee of EA’s mocap studio? You mean the studio that BioWare Montreal didn’t have access to and created the facial animations in a combination of middleware and hand animation? Ignoring the fact that these people harassed an innocent woman, how fucking stupid are they? She doesn’t even

Given the physical appearance of her mother and Laura’s own features there’s actually a halfway decent chance that Laura and her clones are biracial white-asian.

Having played through the trial, please refrain from insulting previous BioWare user interfaces. Andromeda’s is a special kind of terrible. I can overlook the faces, dead eyes and the fact that the game feels like the team working on it wasn’t quite good enough to pull off their lofty goals. However the UI is the one

Honestly I don’t think I’d want to see nudes of Emma Watson. Not that I don’t think she’s attractive, I think she’s absolutely gorgeous, just doesn’t seem right to me. 

Actually it’s not. Link uses most of his swords in pitched combat and there’s no one there to provide maintenance.

They did not drop the ball with Vilia. What they did is reference a long standing, decades old joke. They weren’t out to fulfill an agenda, or make it a moment of inclusion. It’s literally a manga gag that’s existed for a very long time. Nintendo didn’t drop a ball because there was no ball to begin with.