
You should be fine during the Summer, however Seattle is in the tail end of a temperate rain forest climate. So rain is expected.

Make a fire and wait the rain out. That’s what I do any time I pick up a torch, because any time I need a torch in the overworld it rains!

Ugh, I can’t even reach the final dungeon having played the full storyline. Try to get in... and one Guardian is chasing me, I escape it and there’s two, I escape them and there’s four.

Pretty sure orcs don’t do romance in Lord of the Rings. They’re presented as mostly if not entirely male and only barely capable of independent thought.

Wait, so, the TV series that based on a comic about a white dude being tossed into a crazy, magical Asian martial arts world is afraid to be a TV series about white dude being tossed into a crazy, magical Asian martial arts world?

Sounds a bit like they might be biting off more than they can chew. Shadow of Mordor worked because it was a simple, enjoyable system that never got too bogged down in itself.

Breath of the Wild succeeds at literally everything it tries to do, I’ve honestly never experienced a game so perfectly crafted.

My hands are past seven inches, as I have very long, thin fingers. I had no intent to ever use the little joycons if or when I buy a Switch, I definitely won’t be after reading this.

Pretty sure that the majority of Ura Zelda winded up turning into Majora’s Mask, not Master Quest. I can recall imagery being shown of Ura Zelda way back in the day, possibly in Nintendo Power, that showed what was clearly an early version of the Clock Town tower.

Good, less garbage in the environment. Just manufacture an LED that fits and call it a day.

So, did you actually play Alan Wake? It’s actually the other way around. Alan is a self absorbed ass, yes, but the fact of the matter is that Alice is the shitty spouse in this situation. She promises Alan a vacation away from the city where he can relax and get away from work. What is waiting for him there? Well, it

Not sure I’d call it perfect, the fact that the boys don’t speak similarly to Donald is a big disappointment.

The reasoning is relatively simple. The people who claim gender is something you can choose to identify as are able to make that claim because of the view that gender is a social construct. Ignoring the intellectual quandary of that, race is not a social construct.

It’s a masterpiece for one reason and only one reason. The artwork is unbelievable. It’s flat out the best looking manga I’ve ever read. The plot is only coherent for a while in the middle, the main character is completely one note, it only makes the vaguest attempts to explain the backstory of the world, it regularly

Read the sentence you’re referencing. “aged as well”, as in the effects in it have no aged as well as the ones in Who Framed Roger Rabbit due to the fact that a lot more care and consideration went into Roger than it did Poppins. Not that Mary Poppins aged poorly.

For now we assume it’s a Peter clone, however given how insanely arrogant Doc Ock is, there’s a halfway decent chance that he cloned himself instead of Peter. He is under the mistaken conclusion that he only lost to Peter in the end because of the fact that Peter’s brain couldn’t contain Otto’s massive intellect.

I remember that. Tried it once, decided it was fake, went back to abusing Missingnos for Rare Candies.

I’m all for edgy comedy, but there’s a fine line between edgy comedy that pushes the boundaries what is and is not appropriate, and “comedy” that bulldozes past that line and is neither funny nor in any way clever. If you’re going to be inappropriate you damn well better be smart about it, especially if you’re trying

That took way too long.

I like the art style, but I feel like this is a missed opportunity to bring in Yoshitaki Amano.