
And just like that kotaku became that much worse of a site.

More like “How New York Taxi Drivers told Trump to fuck off for screwing with their livelihood, not because of any grand principal.”

The weird part here is that Jessie and James should regularly whoop Ash. Every time Ash comes to a new region he swaps out his championship level Pokemon for whatever scub he comes across. While Jessie and James tend to hang onto theirs, so they really should have a few more victories under their belts.

The Smash games are not designed with tournament play in mind, they’re meant to be party games. Why should Nintendo include a bunch of content that the vast majority of people playing the games won’t appreciate just to placate the small group that will?

The Andromeda Initiative is not a military.

Keep in mind that old Jack Harper had regular sexual relations with an Asari matriarch.

Now, which one of you is the stolen reddit post.

Might just be a sign of my age, I’m in my early 30s, but it never occurred to me that Marcy wasn’t Asian.

Not to be an asshole, but this is still racist.

I wouldn’t refer to Mei’s usual size as a healthy woman’s body. An average body, perhaps, but by most definitions of the word she’d be considered overweight unless her default costume adds 30 pounds.

I thought that was common knowledge? There’s now way the equatorial divide could be the trench, it was way too big. The fact that it’s visible from quite a distance out made that immediately evident.

It’s a damn shame they have to go back to begging for change. The unfortunate truth of the matter is that they did an absolutely horrible job marketing Banner Saga 2. It had no release date, no trailers, no screen shots, no previews, nothing. Then suddenly it had a release date less than two weeks from when it was

So did black women, and asian women, and enough women of all demographics to get him the win. So shut the fuck up, stop dividing your own goddamn base, and let said base actually fucking unify. Trump will win in 2020 if you idiot goddamn Americans keep dividing each other like this.

Ah, the Foundation Trilogy. I could never really get into them partially due to how antiquated they are in this day and age. Things get a little boring after a while when all but a couple characters are male and only one female character has anything more than a supporting role. Also wasn’t a fan of how the series

The Foundation books that fall outside the original trilogy dodge the usual negative connotations with expanding beyond the original concept by not expanding beyond the original concept. There are a couple vaguely connected, such as Asimov’s Robot series, and some set at varying points during the Foundation universe’s

No political content in Angry Birds? Clearly you haven’t seen Glenn Beck’s take on it.

Imagine a person who has developed basic motor skills. This person is small, at most up to your knees or a bit over. They’re shorter than every piece of furniture you have in your entire house aside. Now imagine this small person has motor skills, but has the intellect of a dog. Not a smart dog, a dog that runs around

Reality is and always will be a screwed up place to live. The key to surviving it is to eke out your own little corner, somewhere you understand, somewhere you can live and just be yourself. If part of that requires laughing in the face of a world that is doing its best to beat you down, then so be it. I laugh at this

A Link to the Past most certainly is an easy game.

I dunno about that, Hal Jordan is a cocky son of a bitch. His personality is pretty much always dialed to asshole with a heart of gold. Joel McHale could pull off Hal Jordan, or even Guy Gardener. I’d rather see him play someone villainous, but he’s still got the chops to play a hero.