
Seriously, it’s like this article was written with literally zero research. I know effort really shouldn’t be put into a Trump fluffl piece, but it would have taken the first five seconds of literally any song in their discography to tell they have nothing to do with Nickelback and Creed.

Hopefully they release grips for the joycon, ones that increase the size of the controller enough to make it comfortable.

The engine has literally nothing to do with how the game looks.

I honestly can’t believe we’re getting a Bomberman. This is Konami doing something people actually want, I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone.

Regularly proportioned humans. Oh, you mean like Princess Peach, Daisy, and Luigi? The fact that Mario is a dwarf doesn’t mean everyone is, even in his world is.

That’s great, and I’m sure Nintendo’s parents are really happy with them, junior’s got a release date, he’s doing well. What the fuck about the Wii U version?

Cripes, it’s like they’re actively trying to discourage purchase.

Correct me if I’m mistaken, but based on impeachment procedures I don’t think Pence would actually get the office of president if Trump were impeached. I’ve been told by multiple people that if you impeach a president you impeach his cabinet as well.

You need to approach it similarly to how I approached it. Although I didn’t complete the game I did make it a couple hours shy of the end by just playing it how it came to me. I would focus on the main campaign and when I stumbled upon side quests I would play through them and then return to the main storyline. I

Ohmygawd, who the hell cares?

Sounds good to me, I just hope it’s not Blue Beetle and Impulse/Kid Flash 2. Just to give a middle finger to the ass clowns shipping it.

It’s like they want the service to fail, holy shit.

He’s not entirely wrong, though. Black Adam only really cares about protecting his kingdom in modern comics. At worst he’s a neutral super powered character who will side with villains if it suits Khandaq, at best he’s an antihero who only wants what’s best for his people.

Of course that wasn’t always the case, but

Yes, yes, blah blah blah. I’m a racist, misogynist, pro-police asshole for pointing out how ridiculous it is to sue for that much when there are no reported injuries, while there are people out there who are legitimately injured in horrible accidents and they get jack shit. What happened to this girl is legitimately

She doesn’t deserve that much. The officer deserves to be punished and she should be financially compensated, but that’s probably $4,990,000 more than she deserves unless there’s some massive injury the article is not stating.

Actually I’m pretty sure someone born in 1,000 AD would understand a dorito. It’s a fried bit of flat unlevened dough coated in a mix of spice and powered cheese. It’s not a complicated concept.

There are plenty of examples of Peach strapping on her boots and laying foot to Bowser and his Koopa Troop. Hell, there’s a DS game called Super Princess Peach where Mario is the kidnapee. There is no need for a “more inclusive” Mario game, as every Mario game is inclusive. This is just an example of one buffoon being

What kind of asshole names their son Kain? First, Kain is a dick for the majority of FFIV, for the portions he’s not an asshole he’s morose and jealous. That’s without the biblical connotations of the name Cain, which is one letter off of Kain, which the vast majority of the population will not notice. Only an asshole

Sooner or later the actors and actresses working on it are going to age out of their parts, or decide they don’t want to be on the show anymore. The Walking Dead will buckle under its own weight before it catches up to the comics, ratings are already starting to slip.

No it isn’t. People are leaving the game in droves. In the last year there’s been literally one multiplayer addition of any merit, a single PVP map which since release has been buggy as hell and remains buggy. The new content added with KOTET is literally six 5-10 minute long maps. People have been asking for new Ops