
I didn’t find the Stealth in Uncharted 4 particularly inspired. It was just as clumsy and clunky as it was in previous entries in the series.

The beliefs that brought him there are not broken, he’s the one who broke. That scene where he can’t invoke the Green Lantern Code and can only ask God for forgiveness doesn’t show that his beliefs are broken, it shows that he’s the man who broke underneath his beliefs, yet refuses to actually let them go.

Not sure how I feel about all this, but it’s good DC is realizing that they made a lot of mistakes with the New 52. I’m hoping that whole bit about love being missing allows them to bring back a lot of classic relationships. I want Batman and Catwoman to be an actual thing, Superman (the New 52 one after his eventual

No idea, but I’m sure you could figure it out if you googled it.

15 things Orian should know before playing Overwatch:

1-15) You’re terrible at games like this, don’t even try.

The lack of Chrono games is actually easily explained. They went by the wayside when Enix bought majority control of Squaresoft because they didn’t sell millions upon millions of copies. Enix is is the EA of Japan, they’d rather have all of the money instead of only some of the money. When they “merged” with Square

You’d be surprised where sound effects come from. The eerie spacey noise that accompanied the title in Mass Effect 1 trailers was made with a garbage can and a tree branch.

I really am confused as to the purpose of this reboot. It marks the third reboot in five years, the last one happened less than a year ago. If DC wants to sell comics they have to focus on making good comics, marketing good comics and capitalizing on their major characters. Instead they’re constantly trying to

Its understandable, but this is definitely going to be weird since FMA is literally set in an alternate reality Germany.

No, he’s not right. It’s not an arguable point, the vast, and I do mean vast, majority of children know when they’ve gone too far, know to avoid going too far, and possess a natural moral compass that keeps them from going too far. Extreme cases prove literally no point as they are extreme cases that are outside the

Anything that results in death is not actually bullying, to even bring up that notion is colossally stupid.

All of that doesn’t really sound like bullying. It sounds like something much, much worse. Bullying is picking on someone due to feelings of personal inadequacy, this sounds like sadism. I don’t blame you at all for not being able to handle that, that’s not something you deserved in the slightest. We can’t always

My personal morals and beliefs don’t include turning the other cheek or letting people push me around. So they’re never in danger of being compromised in such a situation. Hence why I pushed back when people tried to bully me as a kid.

Calvin was a better kid than I was, I’d have beat the shit out of Moe. I had a reputation not to be trifled with as a kid when I put one of my bullies head first into a cement wall. Not that I was bigger than he was, quite the opposite, but after a few months of him trying to push me around I simply kicked him in the

I legitimately have no idea why this was a thing. Angry Birds had already died out in popularity four years ago when this thing was first announced, six months after it released you didn’t see a single kid wearing an Angry Bird’s t-shirt, the plushies remained on store shelves until they were moved into the bargain

That Santa Fe comic con meltdown may have been ridiculous, but the guy was right to tell these “professional cosplayers with X amount of likes on facebook” to fuck off. Unless you’re Ngiri or a professional studio that is well know, having a few thousand likes on facebook and a few thousand followers on twitter

I would definitely recommend it to someone who didn’t like the first two. Why? I didn’t like the first two. Witcher 3 fixes pretty much every problem I had with the first two. My only complaint is that it’s too large, I’ve yet to finish the main quest because there’s too much to do.

Bullshit. It’s multiplayer only because that’s what you wanted it to be, TFA is not an excuse for your own mediocrity, EA.

They don’t acknowledge it because it doesn’t happen. The movies and the TV show are not canon to each other, this was established a loooong ass time ago. The show is reactionary to the movies because it has to be as it wouldn’t exist without them, you could take away the tv show and nothing would change for the

This is unbelievably creepy.