
Man, fuck this guy. Great, you’re willing to waste your time on something that is a slight enhancement, meanwhile the character models have shitty and unexpressive faces compared to the original game. Fix what matters.

The review does come across as written like the author has a grudge against Naughty Dog and the UC series, possibly also against gaming in general, however that doesn’t give people the right to attack him. The internet drives me crazy sometimes.

Ignoring the fact that this is like comparing a pineapple to a flank steak, Uber drivers aren’t heavily vetted because it’s a greasy, highly unregulated industry that shouldn’t exist in its current form.

I would love to care about this, but Uncharted has awful competitive modes and that’s all the game has!

Zika, and politics.... Oh, and the unfinished buildings, the corruption in the IOC itself, the broken transit system, the rampant poverty that Brazil won’t be able to hide, and the incredibly filthy water.

That’s not why I’m not concerned about it.

Hard to not buy something you’ve already purchased. I just don’t really put much concern into such things when the games don’t take themselves particularly seriously in the first place.

Saw it today and there is a point where he does use a Vivo V3. It’s in his last series of scenes on the helicopter before jetting off. I only remember seeing it in that segment and it was obvious enough that I caught the name and logo of the phone. It was literally a couple scenes of blatantly targeted product

Yeah, but those are people who actually seem to know what they’re doing. At no point has Drake ever actually seemed like he knows what he’s doing, so it’s never mattered to me whether or not it was realistic. Two thirds of everything Drake climbs on breaks, collapses or explodes, so realism is literally meaningless

I can honestly say I’ve never given a damn about whether or not Uncharted has realistic looking climbing. You’re going up a mountain with no protective equipment or climbing gear to find the Lost City of Shamalamadoo to find the magical golden didgeridoo that can turn fudge into pineapples and will make dealing with

I honestly don’t understand how you can fuck Apocalypse up. He’s seven feet tall, blue and gray, he wants to conquer humankind so Mutants can dominate, and he speaks in the third person a lot. He’s the guy you hide in the shadows until late in the second act, putting him front and center is the worst possible thing to

Have you ever been in a public washroom belonging to your opposing gender? I have. In my experience it’s like stepping into the twilight zone, and not in the fun way. Men and women have very different functions in terms of how they operate in the washroom and it’s better for everyone if they don’t mix. The most

This really is a ridiculous bill, so much so that I can’t even understand its impetus. Does it really matter what a person identifies themselves? As at the end of the day you go to the washroom for one very specific purpose.

Litten and Rowlet are amazing. That stupid look seal not so much, but I must have them all!

Is... is that a leaf themed owl? Do my eyes deceive me? Am I hallucinating? That’s fucking awesome.

Ugh. Miles Morales as Spider-Man. It doesn’t work without a Peter Parker, stop bringing that character up. He’s beyond overrated.

The Killer’s motive for what the killing was quite simple and you’re not actually supposed to understand it. The Killer is an unrepentant sociopath. The reasoning is simple, “Why not? I can do it, I can get away with it, why the hell not?” There’s no great mystery to why the Killer commits the murders, it was

Oh, I know, just a misnomer to refer to this as “photorealism”, because it’s not.

Those graphics are not photorealistic, they look like everything is made out of playdoh. I mean, it looks amazing, but at the same time it is so obviously a video game.

Is... is it 2013? Didn’t this already happen and didn’t everyone already joke, whine and complain aboutit?