
That sounds like a horrible idea.

I am honestly not seeing the problem, her character design is fantastic.

That’s not really a fix since it still allows for the people who abuse the claim system to collect money. Hell, it allows for them to get more money if by some chance they win. This is a very small step.

WASPy bullshit? What, so racism is okay when aimed at whites?

I’m not being preemptive, this is the culmination of almost two straight generations of terrible Nintendo consoles.

Oh, I’ll buy Zelda U and that’s it. I bought a Wii U when Wind Waker HD came out and to this day I have three games for it. Whereas I have 12 for my PS4 and I’ve had the system for less than half the time. I have more games for my Vita than I do my Wii U and I use that beautiful little thing as a paperweight most of

The Zelda delay doesn’t signify a slow year. What signifies a slow year is that the only playable game Nintendo has planned for E3 is Zelda U/NX. One game. ONE. GAME.

One game at E3? ONE? So, Nintendo has basically flat out admitted it has shit all ready for the Wii U this year and nothing for the 3DS outside of Pokemon. They’re done, this is it, Nintendo is never going to recover.

Is it worse than the product placement in Alan Wake? That was just awkward.

Nope. Truth.

They don’t need to make it easier, they need to make it less of a shit pile. It has a lot of problems, foremost among them is the gameplay. It’s clumsy, has poor controls and the combat is set up in a way that makes virtually every encounter the same.

It’s simply because he was a teacher before he became a politician. He’s used to learning information and then relaying it to the uninformed.

I never really understood this whole mess. It’s not our business why she was fired, nor is it in any way acceptable to campaign for it.

Prime. Super Metroid, while a fantastic game, is not a massive improvement gameplay wise over its predecessors. It’s basically Metroid with better controls and a map. Prime, conversely, was a complete evolution of the Metroid series.

Nope. DKC2 is a better game than Super Metroid. No ifs, and or buts about it. It’s not up for debate.

You shouldn’t be. Nintendo is incredibly stubborn with its intellectual properties and between the three companies involved in the ownership of Pokemon, Nintendo has the controlling share.

It’s not an opinion.

Their reasoning doesn’t matter.

I call bullshit on that number. There’s no way the audience for it is large enough to support 3.65 million a year.

It’s due to differing artists. He’s supposed to be in his mid to late 40s, and for the most part he looks it. He may not look it in some of the artwork as he’s fit as fuck in the main comic these days.