
Opinions, right? If we all liked the same thing the world would be a boring place.

And yet this time the Evil Queen is going to crush Snow White beneath her heel.

Do you have trouble reading? At no point do I ever refer to anything as difficult.

Yeah, I’m not even paying attention to the skill equipment stuff. I’m just equipping whatever has the best stats. The fact that I’m about seven some odd hours in and the game is still giving me new overly wordy tutorials makes it pretty clear they went a little bonkers with the mechanics that no one is going to bother

I think it was Behemoth? I’ve tried every suggestion, a lot of them seem to boil down to “lol ninja doj evthing.”, yet Edna is a ninja and she seems to die first every single time.

Tales of Zestiria. Not really enjoying it all that much, it’s pretty brainless even in comparison to its predecessors and the whole faux open world set up makes traveling slow and tedious. I’m enjoying it enough to get my money’s worth out of the rental, but I’m very glad I didn’t buy it.

Interesting, but what will really make or break it is if the rest of the game is whether or not the rest of the game is an unbalanced slog like the first one. I reached a particular boss that was so powerful, capable of doing 500+ damage to your entire party in one go multiple times in a row, that it seemed impossible

“Sorry”? FUck no, this is good.

Yeesh, that looks like all the worst elements of classic Castlevania with a heavy coating of Heavy Metal 2000.

How could they have not seen this coming? The internet just looooves to fuck with things it’s not supposed to. Case in point... Boaty McBoatface.

You’re aware the increase in sales have nothing to do wih the movies, right? The comic industry, like all industries, work in cycles, the mid to late 90s were a particularly dark time for comics and that chased a lot of fans away.

I couldn’t bring myself to pirate it even if I wanted to. This is a movie I have to own legitimately.

Fuck off with that, it subverts most of what it uses from the original series.

Iron Man has always been top tier, Ant-Man still isn’t and neither are the Guardians of the Galaxy. The casual movie going audience mostly doesn’t actually buy comic books.

We’re not talking power set, we’re talking popularity. If we’re going by power set he’s way down at the bottom with Captain America and people without powers.

Don’t kid yourself, Black Panther is not in the Marvel top tier, at best he’s upper middle tier, typically smack dab in the middle.

I find this odd, especially considering the console likely isn’t coming until at the earliest Q4. It seems way too early for there to be completed units floating around.

Oh look, the flaky elitists are back at it again.

If rumors of an RDR2 being announced at E3 are true, I’d wager we’ll see RDR released closer to the convention.

1.5? You’re aware that’s quite likely never going to happen, right?