
I just hope they keep the one who looks like a balding man baby off fo the screen. I seriously can’t watch him without being creeped the fuck out.

Nah, you’re supposed to press B when the ball closes and then roll your thumb over the d-pad in a clockwise motion.

Chrono Trigger. I play it bare minimum twice a year and have done so since 1997. By this point I’m probably the world record holder.

Not when it comes to video games. He’s more likely to be vilified.

No. He’s a nobody, that typically only happens when a story gains critical mass in the media, and a guy who made a game that questions US military practice is not going to get any sympathy outside of sites like Kotaku.

It will be very hard for them to get Black Panther right in the movies, as in all honesty even at his best T’Challa is a self righteous, arrogant, and insufferable prick. They will have to work very, very hard to strike a balance.

There is no influence from the Superior Spider-Man design. You’re seeing things.

Reactions have not been tepid, they’ve been the exact opposite. You either love it or you hate it, there’s no in between.

What moron came up with these? The Star Wars one alone is incredibly obvious. The scenes don’t run parallel, they’re at different times, and the hyperdrive on the Falcon was broken, while the drive on the X-Wing Luke flew to Dagobah was not. It could have very easily taken weeks or months for the Falcon to reach

This is an incredibly stupid article. Why? Well, because it was acknowledged last year that the TV show isn’t canon to the movies.

Have you tried chopping an onion under or next to a fan? Works for my dad and he’s got the weepiest eyes on the planet.

Gotta love UK Gordon Ramsay. He’s a hell raising psychopath on American TV, but on the UK he’s just a guy who’s absolutely passionate as the day is long about cooking and likes to say fuck.

A mix of Fire Emblem Fates harder edition and Mario and Luigi: Paper thingy.

And once again Nintendo refuses to listen to fans. Seriously considering the 3DS and Wii U being my last Nintendo systems.

No I’m not. I’m diferrentiating.

That was terrible. It didn’t even get an amused half grin out of me.

Actually it’s the definition of classification. Elitism is judgment based upon a feeling of superiority based on things such as differing classifications of people. Stating that classifications exist is not elitism, as I rendered no judgment, nor do I have any sense of superiority to people who play games casually.

No, it’s not pretty bold and no the term gamer does not apply to anyone who plays games. It’s not elitism to denote the difference between people who play a small handful of titles casually, and those who play games are a primary hobby and devote more time and care to it. I’m not the one being elitist, you’re the one

It depends entirely upon the game. Look at where the money is coming from, though, half alone is from sports titles. The average gamer does not want to pay for microtransactions in $60 games, however the people who play sports games are not gamers, they are casuals. THey don’t want to put in the effort and are willing

I don’t do piracy, but I am tempted to do so in this particular situation.