
Bullshit. They’ll stop for now and when people aren’t paying attention in a few months they’ll try again. They’re not stupid... just incredibly strange looking.

Still looks like a clumsy action RPG to me.

Mine isn’t so much a mishap as it is a cruel, cruel father. Note, I’m not saying my dad is actually cruel, he simply chose that particular day to be an ass, he’s actually a very kind, caring, loving man that I would gladly give anything for.

The problem with that is the Star Wars movies are the story of the Skywalker clan. They are specifically about Anakin and his family, which is why the central villain of TFA is who he is. The fact is that Rey stands a very strong chance of being a Skywalker or a Solo simply because of what the movies are about.

The other of one of my best friends is going through a second round of chemo in a five month period for her own inoperable, ultimately terminal cancer. She’s pulled away from a lot of the things that, while ultimately inconsequential in the short or long term, cause her even the slightest bit of undue stress. I may

ANd yet, the tits still jiggle.

The old Gordon can’t figure it out trope was done away with decades ago. He doesn’t want to know it the typical reason, however he knows Bruce Wayne was Batman at this point. He hasn’t come out and said it, but he clearly knows.

Yes, I know, however you’re using it as an idictment against Nintendo. The rerelease of A Boy and his Blob has absolutely nothing to do with Nintendo or the VC service. You seem to be missing my point entirely, you’re comparing something not even being released on the eshop to something that is and using it as

That’s not my argument. At all. My argument is that you’re using it to dig at Nintendo when Nintendo’s VC service and the Boy and the Blob remaster have literally nothing to do with each other. It’s like going after a basketball team because a baseball game down the block is less expensive. You’re going after bananas,

I dunno, but it’s basically Megaman on the sprite work alone. Those look like reskins.

I’m not wrong, you are. One is a rerelease on Nintendo’s virtual console, the other is a remaster released as a stand alone title on multiple systems. The fact that the original releases were on the same system have nothing to do with anything considering just how the rereleases are being handled. If you have an issue

You’re aware the Boy and His Blob remaster has jack and shit to do with the shops it’s being released on and is therefore not valid to use in an attempt to bash Nintendo, right?

Kinda disappointed that they didn’t go with Harley’s classic accent, and I’m greatly disappointed in Leto’s Joker, he looks like a failure in every way.

I’m typically a reader who prefers it when characters remain their own typical roles, I don’t like it when there’s a role swap. However in this case I actually did like it quite a bit, I thought it was a natural progression. Similar to how Dick Grayson became a familiar, yet completely different Batman. It’s a shame

Wait, the car controls in GTAIV are “more realistic”? I bought it on the recent PSN sale and the controls for driving are absolutely atrocious, no car I’ve driven in my entire life has ever controlled so poorly.

I really hope that’s not indicative of the final product, as the graphical style is an example of all the worst 2D games from the SNES days.

Apparently so, as the chief complaint is that the level is claustrophobic. It’s a classic style Resident Evil, claustrophobic is practically its stock and trade.

So, you spend the entire article whining about at most 20-30 minutes of play time?

Hm. Can’t say this really interests me, I was hoping for more of an open world experience than a brawler.

Oh sure, EB/Gamestop, you shove Nintendo into the tiniest section in the store and then blame them when your shitty marketing fails.