
I’m not old enough to really understand the Amiga reference. :P

I find the music more intriguing than the game itself. That’s not a knock on what is show in the trailer, I just really liked the music.

This is why I don’t support kickstarter, even for games I really want to see made. Take Hyper Light Drifter, I really, really want to play that. The music alone sounds like it’ll make it worth the experience just to see how it provides atmosphere alongside the dark, dank, dilapidated visuals of the game. However I did

Michael B Jordan is way too young to play a convincing T’Challa. He’s also completely lacking in the gravitas necessary to play the character.

I have a theory, it’s a cockmamie theory that has very weak basis, but it’s my theory and I want it to be true. Bendis has spent the last two years ruining the X-Men. Chief amongst his brutal character assassinations is his precious, to use the ridiculous internet terminology, “waifu” Kitty Pryde. Under his pen she’s

No, in other words I don’t give enough of a shit to go digging through the history of a fairly quick moving subreddit or check the browser history on a PC I have since replaced. Server traffic is down since KOTFE released, perhaps not down overall, but the amount of people who resubbed specifically for KOTFE did not

It’s buried somewhere on the swtor subreddit. Not going searching through it for you, you have fingers.

Hard for BioWare to maintain momentum that they’ve already lost. Subs are up from September, but they’re down considerably from October. Fans are disgruntled with longterm players leaving in droves due to a large amount of unfixed bugs that have been known about for months or years, terrible custom service and a

Can you blame him? That shot was clearly going in and they were jaw jacking at him.

Yes, they have their priorities perfectly in order. They don’t give a damn about creativity, or artistry, or the work the people who make the shows you’re complaining about put in. They care about one thing and only one thing: the almighty dollar. NBC is business, if people are not watching certain shows and marketing

I don’t really get figures like this... But I must have it!

I don’t go through stages. My response is almost immediately “This game is terrible, but I paid for it so I’m playing it anyways.”

Oh no. Not speed mode, I’ve been running through FFVII on my PS4 and I haven’t tured speed mode off. I really don’t want to be tempted to ruin the best game in the series with speed mode.

Is this kid... a little, I dunno how to phrase this... special? At the age of 20 he should have the cognitive abilities to know this will not only get killed, but to know that it’s not kosher to try something like this. What an idiot.

No it doesn’t, it really, really doesn’t.

No it doesn’t.

Part of me thinks that this is because they wanted to maintain the red herring of Finn being the main character, but after the whole “No Leia marketing” bullshit from last year, I have a feeling it’s because some mysognist prig decided female character don’t sell action figures or toys. Fuck that noise.

I’ve never understood why Pixar seems to have to stick a bullshit gimmick onto a lot of their work.

The Courtship of Princess Leia should have remained canon? A book about dinosaur aliens who turn people into droids should have remained canon? Fuuuck no.

Ni No Kuni should not be on this list, it’s a piece of shit. Very simplistic models, dirt simple texturing done in a style emulating a Studio Ghibli film. The game itself was very poorly done, a slow, plodding, dirt simple game that seems like it was aimed at very stupid children.